What some of the opposition have been saying

(Unfortunately, we can't adequately convey the logical leaps these people make in the arguments...if want to follow the construction of their arguments, check out the news articles link on the main page. )

"vile affections....which are against nature...they which commit such things are worthy of death' Rom. 1:23-32"

"Apostle Paul also said, 'Be not deceived: neither fornicators,... nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, ... shall inherit the kingdom of God."'"I Cor. 6:9-I0

-- Arnold Gordon, Galesburg Zephyr

[proposed ordinance] "undermines such primary constitutional rights as the freedom of conscience and the freedom of speech."

"[and]opens the way for the legal protection of any number of perverse, deviant and immoral sexual behaviors, including pedophilia and child pornography. "

"there must be ongoing recruitment from outside the gay community to those individuals made emotionally and sexually vulnerable to the homosexual lifestyle."

"The overwhelming majority of homosexual behavior centers on the sexual aspect of the relationship. This is why long-term, faithful, monogamous relationships among homosexuals are almost non existent. "

"In every study I have ever read, social disorder and decay are spin-offs from homosexuality. "

-- Rev. Jeffrey Barclay, Galesburg Register Mail

"I have never seen any reference to sexual orientation on any job application, loan application or on any legal form available to the public. The only thing they want to know is your gender, which has nothing to do with sex." [No one checks a box to be discriminated against, it is subtle or blatant. Being gay or sexual orientation as a status isn't just about sex. It is very much like gender.]

"Commission members should resign for not having enough backbone to vote this down and not send it to the council."

"Since sexual orientation is not currently covered under state or federal law, how can we as a community have such a law?" [That's precisely why cities pass ordinances.]

-- Ken Goad, Galesburg Register Mail

"Why not let the voters decide this issue rather than just a few people? Homosexuals have jobs now, without the amendment."

-- Bill Higgins, Galesburg Register Mail

"The latest cries of victim hood are part of a calculated pose to win the support of mainstream society."

"'To discriminate is "to distinguish from another... to use good judgement' (Webster). We do it all the time. The manager of the mall discriminates against smokers; they can't puff away on the premises."

"Gays and lesbians rightly have the full protection of the United States Constitution."

-- Rev. Leigh Nygard, Galesburg Register Mail

[Responding to Rev. Tom Heather, Central Congregational Church, after his support as a minister for the ordinance.] ""No marvel" for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."

"Don't take the words of the Rev. Tom Heather of Central Congregational Church, "God loves all this children, including those who have a different sexual orientation" as coming from the living God's word. Scripture says the homosexual lifestyle is wrong."

"I see our new intellectual mayor, Bob Sheehan, and others are determined to turn Galesburg into the gay-lesbian capital of Illinois."

[the proposed ordinance] "...would open Galesburg's doors to child molesters, prostitutes, etc."

"Eph. 6:12 says "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.," I believe we are seeing this scripture fulfilled through the Galesburg Coalition for Equal Rights."

[Responding to a letter from a high school student] "...he asks the Coalition for Equal Rights to "develop a youth organization for the gay and lesbian teens who live in the area." This request is a part of the gay and lesbian agenda as well."

"The only way the gay-lesbian can claim as a minority is an inclination to commit sodomy with the members of the same sex. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that homosexual sodomy, like unlike race, has no constitutional protection."

"Would I be too bold in guessing that our council members will not know from the commission that is St. Paul, Minn., if the voters had not overwhelmingly repealed a sexual orientation amendment it would have been used to force the Holy Childhood School to hire a homosexual." [Minnesota has statewide sexual orienation protection, and like other policies, excludes religious jobs in religious organizations.]

-- Rev. Kenneth Hiatt, Galesburg Register Mail

"Since it arbitrarily excludes some people based on their sexual preference, it was really about redefining morality and was itself discriminatory." [Logic in action]

"It would have to include every form of sexual "orientation: including all of the following: rapists, pedophiles, sadists, polygamists, and even adulterers. And how could be discriminate against those necrophilia?"

"What about the atheist? How does he decide what is right and wrong.? The answer is that he must live on the basis of law and natural law. And the law of the land in American has clearly said for the past 200 plus years that the only legal form of sexual expression is heterosexual; it still says that! I believe natural law says the same."

"Those who don't believe in God should say the same thing to a homosexual that they would say to an adulterer, a liar, or a child molester: Find a counselor, get help and change your ways!" [GCER ironically has a fair number of psychologists it counts as members...If gays and lesbians need counseling it is because they face such bigotry and hate, not because they are "deviate."]

-- Rev. Lee Johnson, Galesburg Register Mail

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