A Nice Guy?

Friday, October 30, 1998

First things first, the guy I was dating last spring....is homophobic and we're a thing of the past (not past enough unfortunately). Though I was the dumpee, I got over it finally after talking to one of my friends for almost two hours (my parents didn't like July's phone bill). And I was so glad it was all over. Because of all the things I could chose to regret, the biggest one would be that he actually got me re-questioning myself. I tried to ignore the crushes I'd had on female friends, the sexual attraction I'd felt...and I almost succeeded. How scary...

But I'm dating this really great guy right now who's not homophobic, who believes bisexuality does exist, is willing to date long-distance, and trusts me. Yeah! He means a lot to me, so after a lot of thought this past month, I've decided to give up alcohol unless I'm totally and absolutely single. It's funny...I used to say that it was safe for me to drink here at R-MWC because they aren't guys to get me passed-out-drunk and rape me. However, alcohol can be just as dangerous without guys. No, I'm not worried about a woman taking advantage of me. Maybe I should be, but I'm not. I trust the women I drink with. So what does worry me? The lack of judgement that comes with drinking. This guy I like trusts me, but I don't totally trust myself. I don't know my limits because I don't drink that often to begin with...maybe once every other month. Besides, alcohol is a poor substitute for happiness and it usually tastes bad. But in any case, I don't want a foolish mistake to destroy something wonderful. So there we have it in writing, or rather, typing. No more alcohol! I feel so good having declared something. I don't know how to describe it effectively. I suggest you try it.

So I've decided to kind of come out to most of the rest of my friends. I always want to sign the guestbooks of my friends and leave my web page address, but then my friends who think I'm still straight will get quite a shock that I wasn't comfortable with yet. The big thing was that I wanted to tell people in person, but with the issues of the ex-bf, I wasn't telling people. I lost my chance. :-) So, I've created a read me page that they have to go through first. It tries to explain a few little knee-reactions and stuff. Wish me luck!

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Revised: Tuesday, February 12, 2002
URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/ruggerwoman/journal/1998-10-30.html