RevThunder's World

Welcome to my world. I am a Leather Shamanic Bear from the clan of Thunder. On the following pages I will give you more information about the world I live in and who lives there with me.

I have studied christianity, shamanism, and several forms of paganism. I use all of the above to guide me as I walk my path.

A leather shamanic bear? To some that may seem to difficult to imagine. So let's discuss it. First I believe that a person's sexuality and spirituality are very closely tied. I also believe that there is a difference between spirituality and religion. Spirituality is a persons active relationship with their Creator. While religion can be a tool to help develop that relationship, although as a tool it is often missused.

Leather see the "Sexuality" page (soon to be added).

Bear see the photo album (soon to be added), well that is how I was built I am hairy all over, with all that hair no one has ever complained of being cold in my bed.

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