In our Lounge, for the moment we have our Newspaper and some more Albums, but the collection will grow. Come back soon...
Click on the Album
cover to open it. |
In our Newspaper, you can find Andrej and Matt's opinions, and also interesting information, nice pieces of poetry or literature that we found here and there and that we like, and so on. Also take a look at the pages on "Coming Out" and "Safe Sex" |
At our Counseling Desk, if you have a question or need some advice, you can contact Andrej or Matt by sending an email or filling out the online form. We will answer you in these pages, posting your question anonymously along with our response. Promise! |
In the Jokes' Scrapbook, we collect the jokes that our good friends sent us from time to time and that we found amusing... They are mainly about the gay world, but not necessarily. We hope you will enjoy them, and if you have some good ones, please sent them to us... |
In our Friend's Album, we collect some writings that our friends on the net sent us, prose or poetry, that we enjoyed, and we would like very much to share them with you. Please read and enjoy them. |
Here are six Albums containing 120 pictures of nice males we like. We will update them (with completely new pictures) about once a month. Thus come back and check often.
These pages
contain no pornography or integral nudes... |
Here we collect all the (more or less) official GLTB symbols we can find along with their meanings and history. It is organized in 6 sections:
1. Gender Pride
2. Rainbow Flags
3. Pink Triangles
4. Leather, Bears, Trans
5. Miscellaneous
6. Awareness Ribbons |
In this Donelan's Album, we are collecting all the cartoons drawn by Gerard Donelan that we can find in the Net. Even though he is perhaps the most famous gay cartoonist, it is really difficult to find his cartoons. Enjoy our collection, hoping it could become bigger... |
In this G.L.T.B. Movies Album, we are collecting all the news drawn we can found about movies containing G.L.T.B. pertaining material. The older ones are mainly dramatic or ridicule, bur all the same interesting as a documentatioj of how was seen our world in the past by the establishment. |