Level II: Senior
Philosophy: License
to learn
Well versed in all aspects of ballooning
and capable of instruction to new crew. Applicant should meet requirements
in Level I plus have experience in: -having awareness and respect for landowner's
rights -unloading basket -installing uprights, burner and instruments -working
both sides of the mouth during inflation -monitoring deflation line during
inflation -securing deflation port -working the crown line duration inflation
-securing fan before chase -navigating & balloon spotting in chase
vehicle & operation radios (if used) -participating in a drop line
procedure -turning off fuel -disconnecting cables and removing uprights
-helping pack balloon and loading basket on vehicle -completion of eight
or more units of BFA continuing education program within the last 12 months,
or a working knowledge of 'BFA Ground Crew Manual' -being a current member
of the Balloon Federation of America
Minimum crews: 30