1. PROGRAM EMPHASIS - The emphasis of the program is to encourage those activities which will contribute to continuing education and safety within the sport of ballooning.

2. AWARD APPLICATIONS - This is a voluntary program on the part of both the crew applicant and the endorser. The crew applicant has the responsibility to provide the endorser and the CAAP subcommittee with reasonable proof that the specific requirements of the award applied for have been met. The progress through the achievement levels will vary considerably with each individual crew. The best information available indicates that the average U.S. Pilot flies approximately 30 hours each year.
With that assumption, the following time frame estimates are made to indicate how the average crew may progress through the program. Estimated time for achievement
in each award: Level I - 4 months (4 months total) Level II - 8 months (12 months total) Level III- 20 months (32 months total) Level IV - 8 months (40 months total)

BFA CREW AWARD DESIGNEE - Any individual who is a BFA Master Crew Chief, an FAA Designated Balloon Examiner, a BFA-appointed Crew Award Designee or a BFA board member past or present is eligible to endorse an award application. It must be noted, however, that these individuals have no real or implied obligation to do so except on a voluntary bass. The provision for the third category is made so that any BFA-recognized balloon association or club may request the BFA Crew Achievement Award subcommittee to designate one of their highly qualified members to administer the award endorsements for their specific membership. The subcommittee may also appoint other individuals with the Level III award or equivalent qualifications to the status of a BFA Crew Achievement Award Designee. For Level I, only the applicant's pilot need endorse the application.

4. CREW ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PROGRAM APPEAL JURY - The chairman of the BFA Events Committee will appoint three members of the Events Committee to serve as an appeal jury. This jury will assemble information and facts related to disputed award
application and render a final decision accordingly.

5. BFA CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM - Continuing education is a requirement of the Crew Achievement Award Program because of the ever-present need to both reinforce and update the crew's understanding of the various factors relating to balloon flight activity. The BFA Education Committee has the responsibility for encouraging pilot and crew education through the development of suitable text materials and crew education and safety seminars held throughout the country which meet the requirements for the BFA endorsement. Any questions or request for assistance in regard to BFA continuing programs should be directed to the BFA Education Committee.

6. FLIGHTS IN AN UNFAMILIAR GEOGRAPHIC AREA - Crewing conditions do vary considerably throughout the country and in many instances, a hundred-mile distance may present the balloon crew with many surprising challenges. Each new experience tends to broaden the crew's knowledge and skills. Unfamiliar is any area at least 150 miles away from the regular flying area.

7. HIGH DENSITY LAUNCH - Many pilots prefer to fly in isolation and avoid the more intense activity of a rally or competitive race. The inflation and launching of a balloon in the close proximity to other balloons does add some new factors for a crew to cope with. The result of this experience is a broadening of crew knowledge, skills, and confidence.

8. COMPLETION OF WRITTEN FAA TEST - Though completion of the test alone does not mean the applicant will become a pilot, knowledge gained in preparing for the test invaluable and helps the applicant better understand the conditions in preparation for a license - and more importantly, ensures that the applicant has a good understanding of conditions relating to safe flying.
For more information on the Achievement Program write or call: BFA Achievement
Award Program, P.O. Box 400, Indianola, Iowa 50125 (515) 961-8809

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