Dionysus VSU

Venture Scout Unit



Mad 97


Mad 98


Wintac 99


Wickford's finest unit!

No longer a VSU?

ok ok, the page has been around for ages, but the content is all old news, well it is at least a place for the older members to reminisce. If anyone from the unit wishes to put any info on here about what they are doing now or scouting events they are involved in please let me know, my address is below.

my address you will have to change the words to characters, this is an anti spam measure.


Established in 1995, DIONYSUS contains elements originally found in Wickford, Essex. It has a full-bodied, strong roasted character, with a pleasently bitter aftertaste. Free from all additives and preservatives. Garanteed 100% pure (Well, almost).

Welcome to The 1st Runwell Venture Unit home page. Dionysus is the Greek God of wine. Most stories about Dionysus tell of his leading sessions of drunken merry making, which basicaly means we do what ever we can to get drunk and have fun.

A Little about the Unit

Our unit consists of about 12 people, 8 members, others soon to be invested. We try to get on as many camps per year as possible, spending lots of weekends at 'Thriftwood' a camp near Brentwood, and recently we went to 'Skreens Park' near Chelmsford. We go on the two county camps, MAD and WINTAC, which are both great fun, and I would throughly advise other VSU's and Ranger units in Essex to look into. More locally we go to help and have fun at the 'Barleylands Steam Ralley' each year, this also helps with the funding for our unit, from the donations of farmer Philpot. For further information about these or other camps e-mail me (Dan) or read the articles.

That's all a bit old now, we have not been to thrift wood in a while, but still go on many camps, more recently (last week) to Essex Jamboree. I will have an article about this on the home page in the next month. Sorry to all those out there who are bored of reading the same old tosh but now I am beginning to have some free time to update the site, hope to have you read some more of my crap soon. Ed.

Thats all old now, but it's so nice to take a walk down memory lane isn't it.

Here is a Pic of the (old) Members of our Unit

Last updated 21st May 2004, but don't expect too much!

As expected, you cant 'Sign Our Guestbook' anymore, guessing its not worked for ages and anyone interested enough to read this already knows it (Clart).
You can however still see all the older comments should you really be interested View Our Guestbook

Disclaimer: Any views, opinions or information expressed in this website are definitely not to be attributed to the Scout Association, nor 1st Runwell Scout Group, and probably not even the the Ventures them selves. That's what happens when people like me get put in charge of a website. It just gets filled with drivvel.