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More Ear Ache Articles

Prevention of Earaches
New research points to a preventable cause of earache epidemic.

My Natural Earache Remedies
used by my family.

More Natural Earache Remedies
tested and recommended by friends and readers.

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Earache and Its Causes

by Traute Klein, AKA biogardener

    VaccinationEaraches are one of the most common childhood complaints and can plague us all through life. Physicians now see a connection between this recent phenomenon and childhood vaccinations.


    I am not a physician and do not diagnose or give medical advice. I merely share my personal experience with earaches home remedies which I have found effective.

    Earaches, a 20th Century Epidemic

    In my lifetime, earaches have been one of the most common complaints of childhood. I suffered from my share of them. They appear to be a phenomenon of recent times, and I have long suspected that some major lifestyle change must be responsible for them. VaccinationAround the year 2000, a Canadian lady physician told us on a Winnipeg radio talk show about her research into the connection between childhood immunizations and the epidemic outbreaks of earaches. I do not remember the reasoning behind her theory, but our family history seems to support the assertion.

    My grandparents were never immunized, and neither did they suffer from earache. Because I almost lost my life to immunizations, I made sure that my son did not receive his, and he has never complained of an earache. It would be interesting to study cultures which do not immunize their children at all to see whether this theory holds true.

    The first page of the Winnipeg Free Press, June 12, 2001, carried the story of a new vaccine to fight diseases like ear infections, pneumonia, and meningitis, in other words, a vaccination to undo the effects of other vaccinations. The current childhood vaccinations are free in Manitoba, but the cost of the new vaccination is supposed to be carried by the parents.

    I cannot help wondering what maladies this new vaccination may produce in the future.

    © Traute Klein, biogardener

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