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Prevention of Earaches
My Natural Earache Remedies
More Natural Earache Remedies
Earache and Its Causesby Traute Klein, AKA biogardener
Earaches are one of the most common childhood complaints and can plague us all through life. Physicians now see a connection between this recent phenomenon and childhood vaccinations. Disclaimer
I am not a physician and do not diagnose or give medical advice. I merely share my personal experience with earaches home remedies which I have found effective. Earaches, a 20th Century Epidemic
In my lifetime, earaches have been one of the most common complaints of childhood. I suffered from my share of them. They appear to be a phenomenon of recent times, and I have long suspected that some major lifestyle change must be responsible for them. Around the year 2000, a Canadian lady physician told us on a Winnipeg radio talk show about her research into the connection between childhood immunizations and the epidemic outbreaks of earaches. I do not remember the reasoning behind her theory, but our family history seems to support the assertion.© Traute Klein, biogardener
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