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Provide Croydon - Postcode 3136 - with a dynamic web-presence and global recognition, fostering community involvement and Internet education.

Creation of a concept - "Croydon - Doorway to the Dandenongs".

Rather than projecting an individual concern, I have taken the approach of a community directory listing, all in the 3136 area, and focusing on the Croydon Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the vehicle for this concept.

The diversification offered by Croydon is illustrated by mentioning separately all of the current financial members and by focussing on visual identification and community awareness.

As recognition, identification and interaction occurs, involvement in the process fosters goodwill, pride, and a tangable synergy. Ownership of the process ensures networking in real terms evolves.


    - Concept seen only as a financial opportunity rather than providing opportunities for all.
    - Another area/entity acts first on this concept.
    - Capital required prevents further work.
    - Immediate monetary gain or return is expected.
    - Lack of support from CCCI.
    - Majority prefer to 'wait and see'.
    - Ignorance - lack of understanding of global technology.
    - Complacancy.
    - No facilities available to ensure ongoing growth.

    - Ongoing benefits and tailored marketing stratagies discussed.
    - Request inclusion.
    - Provide capital myself.
    - Net-education with the ability to correlate and act on feedback.
    - Enlist more supporters.
    - Do it first, then analyse results.
    - Re-educate individually, invite participants to be involved in the process.
    - Illustrate similar successes.
    - Request assistance, perhaps combining with compatible entity.


Beside listing in appropriate Retail, Community, or Corporate section of Croydon 3136, current financial members of CCCI will be mentioned in a separate section for members allowing an additional linked listing against the members name.


Free listing as in a Community Internet Directory rather than under a section classification. CCCI members will have the added bonus of visual representation, showing their business within 3136. Current Internet users can have their established web pages linked in the same format. Free e-mail is available, and individual access from any Internet source, or Croydon Library, is available as an alternative to a charged service.


As many corporate members usually have access to additional sources, they will be able to utilise their own resources in a new area - that as part of a community. Globally and locally, this enables further marketing and identification in real terms.


Promotion of the area locally, and by association - globally; as part of an already well promoted area of Victoria. Geographically; as a country with a perceived life-style already familiar universally.


For those living in Croydon, the connection with a familiar landmark will be a sense of pride and recognition. Travelling to Croydon from other areas will raise awareness, and for those outside the state or country - pleasant reminders and additional knowledge of facilities, employment opportunities and life style.


Having created something worthwhile which wasn't present previously in a positive, cohesive way. This is not intended as a critisism of any previous Chamber members, Shire Councellors or individuals, but rather as an alternative to current marketing, technological and business approaches.
As I am prepared to invest my time, experience and expertise with the faith ethical, supportive networking is the way business works best overall, return on my investment will eventuate with implementation of this concept into a self-supporting business.

Jenny Grainger, Network facilitator.
29 Allendale Road,
Croydon Vic 3136
Ph/Fax: +61 3 9725 4343

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