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School Days

by Traute Klein, biogardener

    St. Nicholas, the Secret Giver
      The bishop who believed in anonymous giving would be horrified to learn that he has become the commercial symbol of Christmas presents for our time.

    The Legend of St. Boniface

      An Englishman by the name of St. Boniface became the Apostle of the Germans. He adapted Germanic customs to become universal symbols of Christianity.

    To Hug or not to Hug, That Is the Question

      Hugging children in church in the presence of their parents is now considered child abuse.

    Christmas Is no Time for Suicide

      An unexpected dinner invitation turns around the path of a woman who had lost hope in life.

    Suicide — I don't want to die!

      With the glorious music of Bach's Christmas Oratorio still ringing in my ears, I answered the desperate cry for help from a cyber-friend who was in the process of committing suicide. He is alive today. Find out why.

    Comfort ye . . .

      Where do I derive comfort in perilous times when the rug is pulled out from under my feet? The answer came to me while listening to the the music of Handel's Messiah.

    And the Glory . . .

      When adversity threatened to destroy the life of George Frederic Handel, he came face to face with God. During those sacred three weeks in 1741, the Messiah was born. It came to life for 21 years each December when Calvary Temple in Winnipeg performed a dramatized version before an audience of 10,000.

    Christmas Presents: To Give or to Get

      The spirit of giving is alive and well in this Winnipeg church.

    Christmas Presents: To Give of Myself

      Robbed of the ability to buy presents, I learned to give the best Christmas present, myself.

    Laugh with Santa Claus

      Heart-warming humor out of the mouths of children, illustrated with humorous Santa pictures.

    Christmas Carol Quiz, Religious

      A nice party game, based on the story of the birth of Jesus.

    Christmas Carol Quiz, Seasonal

      Not based on the story of the birth of Jesus.

    Recycling Christmas Cards with Style

      Make new cards, bookmarks, decorations. Use them as hostess presents or to sell at fundraisers.

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