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Land of Five Cities




The Gods of Terra Dyne
The Titans

Attrice originally created 199 titans who personified the perfect being. Contrary to popular belief, titans are not gods and can die, though they never do from aging or natural causes. Through the centuries, many of them have been killed, 31 of them by the Three Rogues (Asche, Kydel and Scarr) who sought to destroy their bretheren and steal their power. They were eventually destroyed by a group of titans who had acended to godhood. Some spheres of influence were taken on by other gods after the titans died.

Over time, many of the true names of the titans have been lost. what is listed here is what is currently known as has been gathered and pieced together by historians and sages for centuries. For more information about the Titans, please read the Mythology of Terra Dyne.

Name Domain Status
Abson Poetry K3R, sphere taken by Corris
Anjou Dawn unknown
Arbut Eccenticity unknown
Asche Deceipt one of 3 Rogues, killed sphere taken by Zichlar
Bailie Flight unknown
Balem Travel unknown
Brodie Obedience unknown
Brox Metalwork K3R, sphere taken by Furis
Camac Architechture unknown
Croton Pain unknown
Danx Literature unknown
Dunbar Wisdom K3R, sphere taken by Hardshale
Durazzo Darkness unknown
Dysse Sleep unknown
Edsall Strife unknown
Erskine Redemtion dead
Eulp Trade K3R, sphere taken by Quisma
Falle Caverns unknown
Frigeri Armor unknown
Garah Old Age unknown
Gaxx Gravity dead
Goonan Loss unknown
Grutt Barbarians unknown
Gunn Smiths unknown
Hadath Torture unknown
Hannay Bad Luck unknown
Hebron Peace unknown
Ivrei Lies unknown
Juett Bards unknown
Kerr Brawling dead
Kidal Money unknown
Kilman Posion unknown
Kydel Betrayal one of 3 Rogues, dead
Larne Sea Creatures killed by Rasta during Darkening
Lavret Undead rules over undead island Kaza in Southlands
Lickis Insanity unknown
Loban Accidents unknown
Maloret Artifice unknown
Moffat Jesters unknown
Monro Plane Travel left Prime Material
Mumbee Suffering unknown
Noake Gardens dead
Nogara Prosperity unknown
Nosciter Sailing unknown
Orfer Night unknown
Otar Arts K3R, sphere taken by Lugh
Pascol Business unknown
Prease Animals unknown
Quy Humor unknown
Ratson Vermin unknown
Rutkin Occult Studies unknown
Rygs Tyrrany unknown
Scarr Killing one of 3 Rogues, sphere taken by Nuada
Stubs Trickery unknown
Tauranac Gems unknown
Tebbit Adventurers unknown
Ulpe Dusk dead
Vipan Gambling unknown
Vittye Lizardkind unknown
Warin Pools unknown
Woolvet Knights unknown
Yarnal Loyalty dead
Ynche Thievery unknown
* Arachnids K3R
* Athletics K3R
* Competition K3R
* Distance K3R
* Duty K3R
* Endurance K3R
* Energy K3R
* Flowers K3R
* Fruit K3R
* Guardianship K3R
* Horizons K3R
* Hurt K3R
* Jewelry K3R
* Light K3R
* Messengers K3R
* Newborns K3R
* Precious Metals K3R
* Running K3R
* Sand K3R
* Skill K3R
* Sports K3R
* Springs K3R
* Wealth K3R
* Woodwork K3R
* Plants K3R, sphere taken by Deedilan


K3R - Killed by the Three Rogues.

* - Name unknown. Many of the true names of 199 Titans were lost through time. The ones marked with * are known to exist from the stories of the Three Rogues and which of the other Titans they decieved and killed.