Favorite Quotes

What with as strange as all my friends are, sometimes we come up with some out-and-out weird sayings and terms, or we've said some pretty strange things.  Here are a few of my favorites:

  • "Snarf?" - Nobie
  • "Give it up, B!+c#!" - a semi-inebriated Chris
  • "My lunch..." - a friend (who shall remain nameless) who was a stoner, describing what was in his stash baggie
  • "You Gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince, LK" - Me
    "Here, froggie, froggie..." - LadyKaren
  • "Damn, she's cute!" - Jeremy
  • "Look at the shitter on that critter!" - Ken Haywood
  • "Quit shooting the dead ones!!" - Me, while watching Chris play Tomb Raider
  • "I would do things with her that isn't legal to do to farm animals." - Ken Haywood
  • "Punch it, Ethel!" - Me, telling a friend he needed to step on the gas.
  • "Bite me, ya hump!" - Me, responding to a ludicrous request.

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