A soul in tension that's learning to fly
          Condition grounded but determined to try
          Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
          Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
          --Pink Floyd, "Learning to Fly"

          Lucretia is from a place of science joined with magic. She is a competent doctor and scientist, and a brilliant mathematician. Her particular form of sorcery is based on math, and thus, she uses mathematics on a near-daily basis. She is a very curious person, with a mostly open mind. She wants to know where she's been, where she's going, and what makes up her existence in general.

          She is very curious as to how Creation works and moves. Rather than necromancy (though she maintains an interest in that subject still), she is starting to concentrate her studies on the nature of reality. The road to this point started when she was growing older, but not aging. Ever curious, she started to investigate why she was different than the shadow people around her. That led to her study of life and death, and necromancy.

          After being introduced to Amber, and a few Creators, she shifted her focus. It wasn't enough to explain why Amberites were different any longer. Now, she wants to know the whole ball of wax. Unfortunately, she's at a bit of a disadvantage in that, since there aren't a lot of people talking about it, and there's only so much one can do without access to higher powers.

          It's a problem she's working on, mostly by asking questions of those who are plugged into the Powers That Be, those few that will share their knowledge with her, anyway. There aren't many of those around either. Most keep their secrets to themselves, and rightfully so.

          Other than her slight obsessive tendencies, she's a cheerful girl most of the time, friendly and outgoing. She is a gentle soul, not wanting to hurt anyone if it can be helped. However, as she has explained in the past to various parties, she does understand when force is necessary. Lucretia, or Lucy, also has a rabid dislike of the press, preferring to remain as anonymous as she can. This is impossible for her, being not only a Princess of Amber but also the soon to be First Lady of Inverness, Carlton's corner of the multiverse. With the dismal view of court functions and publicity she holds, it must be love.

          Lucretia is about 5'8 or so in height, and has blonde hair. She has a rather thin frame, but her actual weight varies with her activities. If she is doing research, and thus not excersizing much, she tends to gain weight--or even lose it drastically, if she forgets to eat. If she is out in the field, and active, she stays in good physical condition. Most of the time, her weight is rather average for her frame.

          She dresses practically, and generally in monochrome colors: black, grey, and white. Recently, she's taken to dressing in midnight blue as well, and in general breaking her own rule of dressing monochromatically. She is comfortable dressing up, if the occasion warrants, but she will take comfort over looking good the majority of the time. She doesn't use make-up often to augment her rough good looks, except when the function calls for it. Her hair is kept at just longer than shoulder-length. Her skin is lightly tanned, and the skin of her arms have several scars on them, fading slowly. Her hands are also calloused; she's no stranger to hard work.

          Her eyes are blueish-grey in color, sometimes with hints of green. The technical term for this is 'hazel', but most often they are just blue. They often are open a touch too wide, giving her an excited or slightly startled look.

          Lucretia's colors are white, grey, and black.

          Lucretia was raised in a nameless shadow; she didn't know the name of it, and doesn't really care enough to check it out. She was an orphan, and ward of the state, having been abandoned when she was just a baby. She was very intelligent, and won scholarships for college. It was there that she met her husband, William. They graduated together, and married. However, they never seemed to get around to having kids, and when William died the chance for Lucy to be a mother died with him.

          After being "out", so to speak, for a little while, she learned that she was Colmar and Claudine's lovechild. She has met both of them at this point, and seems to get on well with both. For other family, she has a few half-brothers and a half-sister that she knows of, as well as the numerous other cousins and uncles and aunts and so on. So far, she only has one small tangle in her family tree, that being Royce as he's her great-uncle on her father's side, and brother on her mother's side. A touch confusing, but not nearly as bad as some.

          She is also engaged to be married at this point to Carlon Leichter, the Laird of Inverness. He's a second or third half-cousin a couple times removed from what she can tell, so the incest issue wasn't one, as they are not closely related. She hopes along with Carl to start a family, though that is unlikely.

          Lucretia keeps extensive notes on her observations on everything. She keeps them in a form of mathmatical shorthand that's a snap for her to read. It's not coded, per se, but just a shorthand that she developed herself as letters and words change from place to place, and Shadow to Shadow, but numbers rarely do. One is still one in most places, though they might have a different way of writing one.

          As the game progresses, any of her logs will be posted here, as well as news tidbits that affect her, and her opinions on them. Well, logs may be posted. I've a couple long ones and well, they're long. I also had some others that I deleted, because, well, the episodes in question didn't stand out in Lucy's mind very much, and weren't very important to her. I think I may do some of the logs, the important ones, and the news articles that directly apply to her (like, for example, the quitting of Haven). The news articles will have italicized parts that indicate Lucy's POV on the thing. The logs I'll try to have written into a semblance of order, and make it into a story from her point of view.

            Character Quiz
            USO Cantina
            Court in Inverness
            Haven City -- A Swinging Place!
            Princess Lucy Resigns from Haven Government
            Letter to Claudine
            Princess Lucy Accepts Research Position
            Princess Breyd Speculates on Princess Lucy Abandoning Haven
            A Haven Christmas
            Carlton Treats
            Spencer's Party

          Lucretia hasn't met very many members of the rather extended family yet. However, for those she has met, she has already formed an opinion. These are not likely to change often, as first impressions of a person tend to stick with you.

            Alexis -- "Nice gal, intelligent. Rather too bad I won't be socializing very much with her, I think."

            Archie -- "Great guy, but I just can't shake the feeling that we met somewhere before."

            Art -- "Art is Art. That's almost a Zen koan."

            (Lord) Badger -- "Yes, well, he's free to throw around the insults. Hmm. If I weren't a nice person, I'd say he's an old prig bastard, but since I'm mostly nice, I won't."

            Breyd -- "She's very, hmm, interesting, though a bit on the crude side. I suppose I'll put the cause of that down to the fact that she's young."

            Carl -- "My husband-to-be, and I guess that should say it all."

            Christiana -- "One of Art's daughters. She's nice enough, I suppose. Fanatic, though, like all of the Mecks."

            Claudine -- "Mum, I guess. Seems nice enough, but rather odd at times. Very, uh, exuberant personality."

            Colmar -- "Very nice fellow. I'm rather glad he's my dad than some others I've met. We'll see how things go, I suppose.."

            Gucometz -- "Very nice fellow. We got along pretty well, at least."

            Ian Holland -- "Bit too stuffy, but still a nice guy. I suppose I understand about spreading dreadful rumors about a romance between Art and I (!) to save face because I quit working for Haven."

            Jason -- "Mum's husband, but not my dad. I haven't met him yet, but Mum seems very happy with him, so I guess that's tops in my book. Still would like to meet him eventually, I guess."

            Jasra -- "We are never going to get along, so I think I will keep my opinion of her to myself."

            Kelric -- "Sigh."

            Kenneth -- "The King of Thelbane. Very mannerly. I didn't really get a chance to speak with him very much though."

            Moira -- "Nimue's sister, I think. Very irresponsible with the magic and all, throwing it around like it was a toy. Definitely the sort who could benefit from a few years in a Catholic school or nunnery or something equally strict."

            Nicolo -- "Might be a bit crass, but at least he's honest about it. Seems he's a bit honest about everything, almost too much so."

            Nimue -- "Not only has she got self-esteem problems, but she's a bit...uptight. Ok, ok. I'll be honest. Priggish is the word I'd use. And, I still don't know what she sees in Art. They don't seem very well suited to each other."

            Reinhart -- "Nice enough in person, but, well, you know. Vicious, and fanatic...though, as I said, he makes a good impression in person. He runs Trinity, I believe."

            Richard -- "A rather nice guy, I think. Definitely seems a good sort to have on your side."

            Royce -- "My brother on my mum's side, and a great uncle on my father's...talk about your screwy bloodlines! Nice enough chap; I like him immensely."

            Sabine -- "My soon to be sister-in-law. I like her. She seems very full of life."

            Sasha -- "Although she's nice enough...she's also a bit judgemental. Of course, who am I to talk about being judgemental? Her and Sean are a good match, I think, though they may be lacking a bit of resraint in their relationship."

            Sean -- "Sean is an enigma to me. I think he wants to be laid back, and relaxed, but then...violence seems to be an integral part of him as well. I would say that Sasha would even him out...but she's cut from the same cloth as he is."

            Spike -- "Art's..partner. I think. Great little dragon there. I'm going to miss him, and that's something I never thought I'd say about a dragon."

            Tabitha -- "Either she still has some issues to work through, what with the kidnapping and all, or she's a sociopath. I don't know which."

            William -- "He reminds very strongly of the Mecks, though with a polish of manners to him."

          The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'
          --Isaac Asimov

          You are a Sorceress!

          Take the "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo

          The original character concept "Lucretia LeMarchand" was created for "Equinox", an Amber diceless roleplaying game. The concept of "Amber" is copyright © Roger Zelazny, and the game is copyright © Phage Press. No copyright fringes of the rpg is intended. The game is run by Craig Lucas. I am not longer in this game, but this page will be updated sporadically as I get the rest of my logs up here. This page was last updated January 6, 2004.

          Images courtesy of:

          The SMG Picture Site
          Sarah Michelle Gellar Unveiled--A Tribute

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