"Dead I am the one, hound of hell you cry. Devil on your back, I can never die."-Dragula.

So. You're curious, live with it. *smirk* Alright, I'll take pity on you. If your expecting something from before New York. Live with it.

I'm in NYC, so far it's been dull. Very dull. Extremely dull. I hate dull. I decide to go out. Mistake #1? Who knows. Maybe my first mistake was coming to NYC. However it happened, I'm here. Live with it.

So I dress up, do you really want a description? *faint smile* Really? You do. *smirk* Anyway, I'm looking around Gervis St. strangely enough I actually find a place. Semi decent music. Atmosphere leaves something to be desired. 'Course I could be biased. My point is, the place is called Industrial Hell, quaintly referred to by the locals as IH.

Before I go on, I should warn you, things will get interesting, disbelieve able in fact. I probably will get in trouble for this. Now ask me if I care. Technically I've been hunted since I was born. *smirk* Confusion. It will be explained, now shut up and listen.

Better. I was hanging out in IH, music rocked, can't really say the same for the people. I left. I'm standing outside, leaning against a street lamp. *withering look* No. I wasn't doing that. I see this wolf trotting down the street. I blinked. After all it is a wolf in the middle of NYC. The wolf stops, and stares at me. I stare back. Probably not the most intelligent thing I've ever done, but I hate losing. He walks forward, puts his paws on my shoulders and pushes. Next think I know. I'm on my ass, and I'm being used as a wolf couch. Um ok. He's still staring at me. I'm still staring back. His eyes flicker red for a moment. I arch an eyebrow slightly, and try to figure out how to breath with a rather large, rather heavy wolf on my chest. Eventually the wolf stands up, and shakes himself off. He trots away, then turns back and shoots a look at me, as if inviting me to follow. What the hell. I'm bored. I follow the wolf. Let me ask you something. What does one do when the wolf one is following, changes into a man, and quite casually walks away, abandoning one in the middle of Central Park? *smirk* I see by your expression you're confused again. Poor thing. Well I went looking for the wolf, found a cute lil bat. It let me pet it for a while, then dived a group of skinny dippers. It crawls out of the water, and turns into a wolf. Sense a trend yet? You should.

Well I'm sitting in IH. A vaguely familiar man walks over to me, and sits rather uninvited. I'm wondering where I've seen this man. *wham!* It hits me. It's the wolf man. He introduces himself as Kylan. We hold a little conversation. Turns out he's trying to tell me that vampires actually exits. As if. Kylan leaves. As he's leaving two more men walk in. Kylan holds a little conversation, and both men look over at me. Not a good sign. The cloaked one wanders over to me, and invites himself to sit. *smirk* Yah I seem to have that affect on people. Anyway, he introduces himself as Degrath. Strange thing about him? He's got a cat's nose. You doubt me? Are you sure you want to hear this tale? You are. Then shut up, and let me finish. So Degrath and I begin an odd relationship. He let me touch his fangs. Degrath wanders back over to the man he walked in with, and talk to him. That man looks at me. Not a good sign. That man walks over to me, and offers a drink, on the house. So I shrug, and said surprise me. He did. It tasted like Kool-Aid. But packs a nice lil punch. After that he gave me a Dead Nazi. Strangely enough I woke up with a nasty headache, about 4 hours later, and I don't remember a thing. Oddly enough I don't accept drink offers anymore.

Anyway. Couple of nights later I'm hanging at IH again. Lack of anywhere else to go. Guy walks in. The sort of guy that you're parents warn you about. One that your parents will never approve of. Bob and Joy would freak. I go talk to him. It wasn't exactly say by choice. I just sort of had to get as close to him as i could. Kind of annoyed me, as I'm usually not like that. Found out later how to do that. *withering look* We'll get to that. Found out his name was Polydor. He leaves, and now I don't have this urge to talk to him anymore.

Standing outside of IH few days later, meet this guy. He's looking strangely at IH. I ask why. He mentioned something about blowing the place up. I offer to cancel the insurance. After all I am a bit annoyed at the owner for spiking my drink. He takes a closer look at me, and asks what I do. So I tell him. I work for a bank, playing...er managing other peoples money. He smirked, and wanted to know how I could cancel the insurance. Told him I dabbled with computers on the side. He gave a not so nice grin, and said he'd be in contact. Turns out his name is Kernel .

I'm back at IH again. Some guy walks up to me. Wants to dance. Told him I didn't know how to dance. He offers to teach me. Joy. More men wanting to touch me. So I end up on the dance floor. He introduces himself as Dagger. *pissy look* Oh you want to know the reason for the look? We'll get to that. So he tries to teach me. I still suck. I realize this, and abandon him on the dance floor. He didn't appreciate that. *smirk*

Next night, again I'm at IH. the people at work are dull. I do my job, and sleep through it. Arranged some sweet overseas deals. Yah I spent a lot of time at IH. Anyway, this very tall guy walks in. Think 7 feet or so taller. He walks over to me, as he's seen me here a lot. I've seen him a lot too. Introduces himself as Donovan. Nice guy. I like him. He didn't try and touch me *pointed look* I introduce myself. He wanted to know what I did in my spare time. I jokingly said something about proving the existence of vampires. He took me seriously. Turns out he has a set of his own fangs. Yah he let me touch them. Nice guy, then jokingly tried to bite me. I didn't flinch. Before you ask. Not much scares me.

Hanging at IH again. Kernel walks in. Said let's talk. We go outside. He offers me a job. Asked him what he did. Told me he was running a bodyguard company. Lady was nearby. Told Kernel I had some contacts and could get him some work. He liked that. Lady, her name was Mina, inquired as to hiring Kernel as a bodyguard. See? I'm getting him jobs, and I'm not even hired yet *smirk* Told him I'd have to make some calls, and think about it. So I walk away, pull out my cell phone, and place a few calls. Kernel talks to Mina, she looks in my direction, I nod at her, she studies me, and then turns back to Kernel, and nods. This is not a good thing. Everybody is looking at me like they want something from me. Makes me wonder. I go home.

Run into Kylan the next day. He offers to make me a vampire. I decline the offer. He gives me a pitying look, and mentions that I might not get a choice in who's going to sire me. Asked him what sire means. He tells me it's the person who makes you a vampire. Oh. I still decline. Run into Degrath later. He and I go back to playing mind games with each other. He keeps trying to mess with my mind. I keep messing with his. I'm not sure who won. Oh wait. I did. he's dead now. *smirk* Don't ask. I'll tell you in a bit.

Right. I'm looking at the Empire State building. Kernel and a woman walk up. Their holding hands. Awe how cute. Anyway Kernel wants to know what I'm doing. Told him i was wondering what it would look like if the Empire State building blew up. Kernel grins, and would rather blow up IH first. I still offered to cancel that insurance policy. Kernel then said Me and Allie want to hire you on, if you're still wanting the job. I said yah. Kernel looks around, and wants a private place to talk specifics. So I take them to my place. Allie leans against the wall, and Kernel pokes around all the boxes. Yah I hate unpacking. Live with it. Kernel wants to know if I'm still interested in the job. What the hell. I'm bored with my previous. So I ask if I'm actually going to be doing any of the body guarding. Kernel shrugs. I tell him that I don't know how to fight. He said you can't hit nothing hard? Yep. I repeat myself. Kernel figures I'm going to be the information gatherer. Suits me just fine. Again I tell him that I'll take the job. He smiled.

Then Kernel asks the oddest thing. He wants to know if I believe in vampires. Told him I did, seen and talked to a few. He gave me an odd disbelieving look. Told him they let me touch their fangs. Kernel then told me that I now had 2 options. Die, or Become one. Obviously I choose to become one. So I'm a vampire now. What? You want me to tell you how it's done? That's on a need to know basis. And you don't need to know.

It's introduction to the rest of my family time. I meet Lia. Were hanging out at IH one night. Stirring up trouble. Actually for once we weren't. We were just hanging. Lia leaves. She comes back several hours later. Wants to know if me and Paul will help clean up a mess. What the hell. We have nothing better to do.

Were at Lia's now. She's all paranoid about getting this mess cleaned up. Apparently she found a fanged person in her home. She killed it. You know. I've never been so glad in my entire life that I wasn't able to breath. That mess stunk. Lia notices something on the monitor and disappears. For some reason were not realy sure if he is dead or not, so Paul cut a hole in the dead guy's chest and stuck a pencil through his heart. He was so proud of what he did, that I didn't have the heart to tell him, if he would have moved the slice 2 inches to the left, all the juice wouldn't have spilled out and on to the carpet. I take a closer look at the body, it's beyond ugly.

I finally get around to pointing out to Paul where he should have placed the slice, and Lia comes back with this guy. He's demanding to know what Paul and I are doing there. Lia's telling him that we're here to help clean up. He wants to know more about us, all protective, and pissy. Until Lia points out that Paul and I are family. He calms slightly. That was my first encounter with Kayta. Oh shut up. Don't give me that 'awe how cute' shit.

Few days later. Kernel pops by with Al, says we're going to a meeting. So we go to a meeting. Meetings run by Polydor. Lia, Kayta, Paul, and a guy called Neuromancer are also there. Poly gives me an odd look, and wants to talk to Kernel. In a different room. Kernel drags me along. I'm clueless as to why. I'm just wondering why everybody's taking orders from Poly. Kernel introduces me to Poly. Poly seems to settle down slightly. Though when we were leaving the room, I sort of lagged behind, asked Kernel who Poly was. Kernel told me Poly was his boss. Poly wonders why were whispering. Kernel just tells Poly that I wanted to know who he was. Everything's settled. Kernel talks about his bodyguard business. Neuromancer wants to hire me as his bodyguard. Kernel isn't having none of it, saying I'm not ready for the field. That I won't be a field agent, that I'm to be the information gatherer. Then everybody starts planning on blowing up IH. Kernel mentions that I offered to cancel the insurance policy. Poly offered to pay for my computer setup. Told him I had my own already configured ready to go. He insisted.

Well I seem to have this habit of ending up in the middle of bar fights. 'Specially odd strange bar fights. You know ones where globs of seething darkness are dropped all over the place. Detective showed up looking for information on the fights. Nice barman pointed him in my direction. So I tell him about the fights...Except for the globes of darkness. Too bad that's what he wanted to know most. *smirk* I can be such a bitch at times.

Well Lia, Al, Paul and I were hanging in IH again. Some girl was there alone. She was known to hang with the sabbat. The heckling started. Lia wanted to sew the girls lips shut. I happened to have a needle on me. Don't ask. No thread though. I did offer to unravel some from my skirt. Lia laughed and declined. After a while we let the poor girl go.

Turns out that whole situation would come back to haunt me. About this point in time Kernel adopted a kid of all things. Literally a kid. Went by the name Stormy. Annoyed the hell out of me. Oh well. She did save my life once. Prolly. Was sitting in IH, and I got approached by one of the ones who like to drop inky balls of black. He wanted me to apologize to the girl we heckled. I refused. He tried doing that lil dominate that. Fortunately I saw him try and use that trick before. I think he tried intimidating my ass. I yawned in his face. He didn't take that too well. Looked like I was about to get my ass beat. Again. When Stormy stepped in. Calling me auntie 'rena. Sabbat caught up with Stormy a few weeks later. Pissed me off, when they killed her.

Was bored one night. Hanging out at my lamppost, watching the sea of humanity swarm by. Guy on a motorcycle pulls up. I recognize Kayta. He stops. We talk. Seems my dad Kernel is making a nuisance of himself to the sabbat. You know, going around and killing all sabbat he sees. I figure the sabbat are going to come looking for him, and those associated with him. That'd be me and Al. Al can fight. I still don't know how to fight. So I ask Kayta if he knows how to fight. He does. So I asked him if he would teach me. He agreed to. Wasn't that nice of him? So I take him home with me. Oh shut up. It wasn't like that.

At that point in time. I was living in a warehouse. Not my apartment. Too many people knew I lived there. So I up and moved with out telling anyone. First thing Kayta does is clear a large space in the floor. Shoved my furniture around, providing a type of protective barrier around my computers, and bass. That's when I figured he was a nice likeable guy, and not a complete ass. *smirk*

Well Kayta is teaching me to fight. Showing me how to ambush people. Where the best places to hit people are. He's showing me how to hit people. So I practice on Kayta for a while. I don't think I really hurt him. Which is good, as I'd hate to hurt him. Anyway I thought I was pretty good at avoiding getting hit, I have had a lot of practice in my life, but I've never had to avoid one of Kayta's punches. Anyway my point is, I ducked left, right into his fist. ow. Next thing I know. I'm discovering the secrets to flight, as I fly across the room, and slam into a wall. However Kayta is nice, and feeds me a bit, and I heal partially up. Kayta takes off. I'm still hurt, and still hungry. Not like I'm going to admit this to him. So I go out, looking for food. Bad move on my part.