And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled:
for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences and earthquakes, in diverse places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.

In Nomine
The Last Days

They are very much like us.
Some seek to do good, others corrupt and destroy. Some set out to do one thing, but accomplish another.
Some are fiercely devoted to their work. Some doubt that they really make a difference. And some wonder, in the small hours of the night, if they picked the right side.
They have great powers, for good and evil, but they are merely pawns of greater powers still.
They are very much like us.

And now their world changes faster than ever before.
The ancient war grows hotter with each passing day, and both sides fear the consequences.
Both have faith that they will win. Both fear that they will lose.
Both sides believe that things will continue as they always have.
Both sides fear that the Last Days have come upon them.

The whole of Creation has been likened to a wondrous Symphony, beautiful and glorious beyond description. It is intricate and ongoing, composed of three interweaving movements which define (but do not limit) the whole. All that exists is a vital part of the music of the Symphony.

A discordant note has entered the Symphony, however. A War is being fought for control of Creation. The once-Archangel Lucifer conceived a desire to rewrite the Symphony in his own image, replacing God. For his presumption he was cast out of Heaven, followed by nearly a third of the Host. But this defeat did not end his plans. The War continues, waged across the three Movements of the Symphony.

On both sides of the conflict, there is a new and disturbing sense of urgency. Signs are coming to pass, and prophecy is beginning to be fulfilled. The time is not yet, but soon, and the Last Days are at hand. The War will be decided.

What's New?
Updated 8 April 2001
The Celestial Movement
The Ethereal Movement
The Corporeal Movement
The Excellency of His WrathThe Bethlehem Inquiry
Patrick O'Duffy's
In Nomine LARP Rules
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