Personal Development

Many people in this world are searching for something not provided for by traditional religions. Some delve into the old Earth-based religions, such as Wicca. Others study the Druids or other forms of shamanism. Yet none of these deals effectively with the question, "Where do we go from here?"

To anyone who has ever entertained that question, may I suggest that there is a potential answer. It can be found in the pages of "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield. This book tells the fictional story of a man who discovers that many of the coincidences in his life are not really coincidences at all. Rather, they are signposts that are meant to guide him in his personal development and understanding. Check the links below to find out more.

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My Personal Celestine Journal

Discovering My Synchronicity

Discovering My Past Preoccupations

My Synchronistic Events Timeline

Continuing Synchronistic Events

(More to come...)

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Words of Wisdom

The New World


The Traveller

What Is Success?

Time Management

Children Of The New Dream

The Fire

A Conversation With The Devil

Return to Castle Brass

What are YOUR beliefs?

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