Flying Koala Games

Red Ribbons

House Rules

Fear Ratings
Fate Lashes
Spending Drama Dice
Sharing Drama Dice

Fear Ratings

The TN for a resolve roll against a Fear effect is now 5 + (5*Fear rating). This is done primarily so that certain Arcana which give characters a Fear rating of 1 aren't completely useless. (Credit to Aldana Steel for this one.)

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Fate Lashes

For every Fate Lash that she receives, a Fate Witch character receives one Experience Point which can be applied only to Sorte knacks.

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Spending Drama Dice

Spending a Drama Dice lets you roll and keep one additional die; the die that is kept does not have to be the Drama Die. If you roll 4k2 and get 9, 7, 5, and 1, then roll a Drama Die and get a 2, you may keep the 9, 7, and 5. (Hat tip to Aldana Steel again.)

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Sharing Drama Dice

A player can spend two Drama Dice to provide an ally with one. (The Inspirational Arcana allows a one-for-one exchange.)

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