Campaign Information
Vodacce History
- A short history of Mantua, the northern region of mainland Vodacce.
- The Lost Blood: What was so bad about the Lorenzo, the Serrano, and the Bianco families.
- Mad Queen Marietta is a figure of folklore and history both. All strega know her story.
- Sero tells the story of the benandanti.
- Rules for the benandanti.
Vodacce Life and Culture
Montaigne Life and Culture
Science and Philosophy
- A summary of the pseudoscience and philosophy of alchemy.
For GMs
- Artifacts of the Senators: Items enchanted by the Bargainers during the early days of sorcery.
- Strega: Seven strega NPCs, of varying ages and abilities, related to the princes of Vodacce.
- Legion's Prophet: A cabal of Legion-worshippers lead by a nefarious Bianco, lurking in the catacombs of a Vodacce Island and planning to raise Lorenzo Island from the deep. They can be used as a single-episode adventure or as recurring villains.
- Grand Master Sorte and Sorte/Porte Synergy: How I chose to work Beatrice Caligari's (and Mad Queen Marietta's) sorcery in my game.
- The Vodacce Inquisition - an alternate to the canonical Castillian version.
- Mondavi: Working out the prince's plan and its evolution, and fleshing out Mea, Gallisus and Nemise Mondavi.
- The Lorenzo Conspiracy: How I built the conspiracy using tidbits of canonical information as a starting point.
Renaissance Italy
- An online copy of The Prince by Machiavelli; "Means to Ends" are just some choice quotes from here, reworded a bit into more modern English.
- Famous Renaissance Italians:
- The Web Gallery of Art; use their search engine with fields School: Italian, Form: Painting, and Type: Portrait to find excellent character portraits; narrow the search to the years around 1450-1600 to cut down on the hits. (Most of the pictures I've used are in the 1500-1550 slot.)
7th Sea Resources
- AEG's 7th Sea Homepage
- AEG Forum Page: 7th Sea stuff at the bottom
- Poison Shadows provides some really good homebrewed rules. My years of AD&D 2e made me suspicious of most fan-produced specializations ("kits," we called them), but these are exactly the opposite of the lame and overpowered crap I used to see. These are things that I would actually be excited about using in a game, and would add something past Kewl Powerz.
- Aldana Steel, a game homepage with a great layout and great content. Many of their house rules are thoughtful and useful tweaks to the core set.
- All That Glitters, an online 7th Sea game run by Yours Truly
Questions or comments? Contact the webmonkey at sca_bard at Yahoo. That's, and hopefully all the extra text will confuse the spambots.
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