Your bio (biographical data) is your friend. Your character's bio tells other people what you think your character is like and it is a record of your career in Holoworld. When your character joins a ship, your bio is the first thing they will want to see. It's a résumé and a character sheet all wrapped up in one. Keep your bio handy and update it periodically.
Basic Bios
No two bios are exactly alike. Like many things in Holoworld, they aren't regulated. This allows for much creativity on the part of the player (that's you). Some basic information, however, should be contained in every bio:
- character name
- physical description
- age
- education
- race
- home planet
- current assignment
- current position
Just that would make for a pretty boring bio, however. Some additional information might include:
- traditions
- beliefs
- siblings
- quirks
- place of birth
- spouse
- ambitions
- children
- annoyances
- parents
- hobbies
- service number
- religion
- psychological profile
- letters of recommendation
- disciplinary record
- honors bestowed
Also, you should indicate any limitations on your character that other writers should know about. For example, the bio for the primary character below indicates that T'al is generally stoic--an important limitation for other players to know about. You wouldn't want to write for him as a joker, laughing and entertaining dinner guests.
You can also indicate information that the player should know but that characters would not know, by making a classified section of your bio.
A good suggestion, if you are having difficulties, is to look at other bios. You can access them through our unit's websites on the Fleet page.
A Sample Bio — Captain T'al
Here is the bio of the captain of the USS HERMES.
~~~~~~~ HWF Biographical DATA ~~~~~~~
Name: T'al Ch'mokshir (Ch'mokshir is Keth name only), referred to as T'al (pronounced tee-ahl)
Player: Doug
Race: Andorian
Current Assignment: CO, USS HERMES
Rank: Captain
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Skin: Light Blue
Hair: Grayish White (cut exceptionally short)
Eyes: very dark green
Height: 6'6", over 6'7" counting antennae
Weight: 248 lbs.
Date of Birth: 2392.0523, Prot of Shran'niw
Place of birth: K'Thor in northern Andoria along Coast of Zh'na, a "Coastal" Andorian mining town of K'thor in Mangea
Citizenship: United Federation of Planets
Spouse: None
Offspring: None
Siblings: brother Pok Ch'mokshir, 6 more brothers and sisters
Beliefs: stoic on everything but drink
Service number: H33N-595-19278
Likes: Agranu wine and tube grubs; colder than standard room temp. (12C is warm for him)
Quirks: talks with his hands, especially when angry
Personality most like T'al's in the Star Trek universe: Worf, STTNG
Appearance: T'al is 6'6" (2.02 meters) tall, stocky (248 lbs., 112.4 kilos), short grayish white hair, light blue skin, imposing looks, but not unattractive by Andorian standards. His skin is naturally dry and is slow to perspire. He could go days without showering.
Background: His family has maintained possession of a highly prized (and very ancient) hrisal (a ceremonial curved sword) for 15 generations. The Ch'mokshir clan has made an above standard of living in the mining industry. They are known as cunning business-people, but poor artists. Many generations ago, however, the Keth Ch'mokshir was equivalent with mighty warriors and they made a name for themselves in the Andorian-Vulcan conflicts.
T'al's parents include his father (deceased) who was a Professor at the Andorian Academy of Economies. His mother lives on Andoria. Many of his siblings are involved in commercial ventures and the family businesses, including his brother Pok, who make frequent stops at DS101 to drop off the Ch'mokshir clan's special blend of Andorian ale. Occasionally, he does some questionable business transactions on the side, although that has yet to be proven.
Education: Standard rigorous Andorian High School; Starfleet Academy training, double-majored in security and intelligence, minored in archaeology.
Profile: T'al believes in stoicism, value of hard work, and is usually uninterested in recreational activities, unless he considers the activity "training". He puts honor, dignity, and values of the United Federation of Planets above all else. He hates Andorian ale, and he is fascinated with Klingons and their sense of honor and battle tactics/strategies. T'al left Andoria to join Starfleet to "experience life," but more importantly, to gain honor for his name as a great warrior, a lost Ch'Mokshir tradition T'al hopes to reclaim.
Notes on Starfleet Career: Upon entering Starfleet, T'al's ambitions in the short-term were Chief Security Officer, and eventually Head of Starfleet Security. As he progressed, however, he found that he excelled at navigation, and, later, gradually grew into possible leadership material due to a series of unusually events that redefined his character. His first major event came on SD 16.0901, when Bacharan terrorists seriously injured him in an attack. T'al no longer felt invincible. The psychological effect would carry on throughout his life. Later, T'al had begun to see himself in a leadership role, more clearly defined when he was made second officer of DS101 following his return from a mission to track terrorists in the Armstrong sector on SD 16.1126. On 17.0408, DS101 was mistakenly attacked by an alien probe. Due to the crew's team effort, the probe left DS101 space. This event culminated in promotions for many of the crew, including T'al to full Lieutenant.
Classified: Later, the crew of DS101, on board the USS CURIE, explored the Vurtedion sector, placing sensor buoys to warn of Telmarc activity, as well as exploration of planets. Upon completion of the mission, T'al was given reign as First Officer of DS101.
Then, upon completion of the mission that investigated the destruction of OP108, T'al was offered command of the USS HERMES. After the HERMES' new crew completed their first mission, a rescue of a civilian-filled USS DEEPWATER, T'al was promoted to Commander. During the mission to investigate a terrorist act on Aderon, T'al was promoted to Captain due to his achievements in the Fleet during his short career.
Other notes: He has had no real relationships to speak of. His focus has been on career. He is open to possibilities, however. T'al is very annoyed by giggling and too much free time (except for an occasional drink and time to reflect and meditate). He especially hates disrespect.
T'al's hobbies include martial arts, reading tactical manuals, and phaser practice. He does not have many sayings or quotes, but can be heard saying "DAH!" when angry or hurt and occasionally "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."
T'al's religion is Hastra Bei Hastra, a very common non-idolatrous faith combining beliefs in reincarnation, purification of the soul, and strict scholasticism, with one wild High Holiday a year to allow for a break from its relative asceticism.
He is a typical Andorian, that is, aggressive, disciplined but short- tempered, and very, very serious - especially about duty. His most un- Andorian quality though is that he is not family-oriented as most Andorians are. He likes control and order, and therefore ideal for security or command. He normally hates time-off. He believes in the noble ideals of the UFP and is willing to uphold those ideals, sometimes sacrificing friendships and family to do so.
Psychological profile
"T'al is aggressive and short tempered, but not any more than most
Andorians I've met. He can get emotional if the right buttons are
pushed, but is calm in times where most Cadets would panic. He is
willing to bend the truth a little to get to the job done, but I
wouldn't call it lying."
-- Jackson Kersh, CNS DS101
Physical records
"Cadet T'al's physical abilities should not be influenced by the
stabbing he incurred on Stardate 16.0901 as it was mainly a flesh
wound. No internal organs, or muscle tissue were damaged, although he
did lose a significant amount of blood."
-- Doctor Nelson, CMO DS101
Disciplinary Record
No formal reprimands in record, one informal reprimand by Lt. Velez,
assistant CSO, DS101.
Master of kharakom (like kickboxing); no Federation honors
Starfleet Record:
SD 12.0711 Entered Starfleet Academy
SD 16.0520 Assigned to DS101 as Cadet to complete training
SD 16.0912 Graduated from Starfleet Academy; promoted to Ensign
SD 16.0913 Assigned to DS101 as Chief Navigation Officer
SD 16.1126 Promoted to Lt(jg) by Captain Alyza
SD 16.1126 Made 2O by Captain Alyza upon return of away mission
SD 17.0410 Promoted to full Lieutenant by Captain Alyza
SD 17.1224 Made FO of DS101 by Cpt. Alyza upon return of mission
SD 18.0116 Promoted to Lt. Commander by Cpt. Alyza
SD 18.0710 Assigned to USS HERMES as commanding officer
SD 18.1010 Promoted to Commander by Fleet Admiral O'Connor
SD 19.0515 Promoted to Captain by Fleet Admiral O'Connor
~~~~~~~ EndFile ~~~~~~~
[I have used fictitious memos and letters to establish what other people think about my character. This is a typical convention in the Fleet. It is also a helpful exercise to describe your character through other people's eyes. Be, however, careful in having other people's characters make the notes without asking the player first. If you ask, they may even write them for you, though.]
Is that it? Hardly, but that is more than enough to get you started. The instructors are there to help you—ultimately to make your experience more fun for you and your fellow RPGers.
Have fun!
Cadet Brief — Things to get started in the HWF
Don't forget to check out these three important documents:
Life aboard the USS DESTINY
Posting (the basics of game play)
Technical specifications, floor plans and pictures of the USS DESTINY
You can also return to the Academy's main page.
© 2007 by the Academy team for Holoworld Fleet