Okay so here are a few jokes I've picked up here and there. Hopefully you have a good since of humor and a loose mind. And I also note that I am a non-bias joke teller, if your are a guy and get burned then move on down the way ..you'll get even*G*
Jesus is watching you
A Prayer For the Grumpy Wumpy
A few Straight from the Pulpet..no kidding*G*
The Forum (AKA why did the chicken..)
Sexist humor for the women take 1
The Indian's finally get the last laugh
Blow Job Ettiquet for Men
Some Days....
Rules that Guys WISH women knew!!
"Police" Officer
Bumper Stickers that I really want and are out there*G*
The Enchanted Snake
Check back occationally for the new joke and feel free to copy/paste any of these you want*G*
All done? Then back to the MADNESS!!
~Monty Python's *Liberty March*..made sense to me!~