Gallery of the Week

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A security officer alertly watches, concealed in the shadows of Theed Palace in Naboo. He remains linked to the rest of his team with a comlink. These royal guards are armed with blaster pistols and receive no rigorous training. But usually, there is not much to fear on the little peaceful planet of Naboo. All of the Theed Palace Guards are volunteers - but very loyal - and with the safety of the Queen as their chief concern. They are answerable to Captain Panaka, head of security. The Theed guards' one big test came when they helped the Jedi and Amidala reclaim Theed from the Federation forces occupying the castle. Loyalty and bravery prevailed.

Past Galleries

February 17, 2000: TIE Advanced
February 6, 2000: Battle of Endor
March 13, 2000: Imperial Security
April 10, 2000: Jedi Council
April 17, 2000: Jedi Battles
April 24, 2000: Federation Army
May 1, 2000: Old Republic Senate
May 8, 2000: Two Familiar Droids
September 10, 2000: The Death Star October 1, 2000: Bounty Hunters October 22, 2000: Garindan