My Spike and Buffy page

Thanks to a couple of friends of mine I started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer in season 5, and during season 6 I began to like the couple Buffy and Spike, despite the dark journey Buffy went on- taking Spike along with her. By the end of the first episode of Season 7 I knew I'd become a Spuffy (Spike and Buffy) "shipper" (fan of a couple relationship, you can use it refer to real life couples- ala I can say "I'm a John and Yoko shipper", but the term's origin comes from fandom for couples in movies, tv, comics, manga, anime, novels, etc...) I decided it might be fun to spark a bit of a new life into my first website to give each fictional relationship I like their own page. I'm starting with my most recent: Buffy and Spike. Buffy goes on a journey across the country with Xander (it's not a Xuffy fic in the romantic sense, but they do connect as friends who lost the person they loved the most.) It will eventually be Spuffy I promise. :)

The first fanfic story is titled Roadtrips. Buffy goes on a journey across the country with Xander (it's not a Xuffy fic in the romantic sense, but they do connect as friends who lost the person they loved the most.) It will eventually be Spuffy I promise. :)


The second fanfic is also post Chosen. It's called Truth and Myths. It's a bit darker than Roadtrips. It will have a sequel story eventually.

This fashion drawing from 1853 made me think the little boy looked like he could be a very young William. (Yes, little boys wore dresses until they were about 5 years old, and in the mid 1800's some did until they were around 8 or 9. Heh I could definitely see Anne doing that to William, with his hair in long curls too.)

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