The SSD is the eyes, ears, arms, and legs of Starfleet
Intelligence. We are the central, or action division. Nothing works until
we go do the deeds, fight the foes, investigate the mysterious, and find
answers to the elusive and hidden. With two task forces
and a combined total of thirteen ships, the SSD is able to perform agent
deployments, long-range exploration, information gathering and defense.
For the last two hundred years, the division has helped to keep the Federation
safe and the fleet strong. With a tradition of the finest officers, that
legacy will continue.
The Special Service's Division of Starfleet was established
in 2169 shortly after Starfleet was chartered. The SSD's sole purpose was
to serve as a protective force defending the Federation and the Fleet from
espionage and sabotage while performing "information gathering"
of its own. As the UFP and Starfleet grew, so did the agency, as it began
to melt into the wood work of diplomacy, successfully concealing its existence
from outside ears. Since then, under the watchful eye of Starfleet, the
SSD has served as the primary intelligence source for the Federation and
fleet. The SSD currently operates as both a Chat and Play-By-E-mail simulation.
In the years to come the the SSD will continue to, with all of its power,
protect the Federation, Starfleet and innocent beings, throughout the galaxy,
no matter where, when, or how. Long live the Federation!
Current Commander: Vice-Admiral Brim
Current Deputy Commander: Rear-Admiral Harris