
Spider-Man's Home Page!

Summary of March,1999.

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Here you will find the latest happenings in the Spidey life.

Spider-Man Issues from March, 1999

The Amazing Spider-Man # 3

Off to a Flying Start!
Story & Art: Howard Mackie, John Byrne, Scott Hanna
Peter Parker saves the life of the bogus Spider-Man who's been swinging over the mean streets of New York City.

Meanwhile, in the aftermath of a blizzard that's blanketed the Big Apple, the villain called Shadrac stalks the snow-filled shadows.

There is a special guest appearance by the coolest X-Man of them all, Iceman!


Peter Parker Spider-Man # 3

Story & Art: Howard Mackie, John Romita Jr., Scott Hanna
PPSM#3 The Iceman cometh again, but Shadrac's ready to melt him faster than Frosty the Snowman!

Peter Parker and Mary Jane want to frolic in the winter wonderland that has been created by a New York blizzard, but instead find themselves trapped in the fiery rampage of Shadrac!

Iceman will cool this freak off.

Webspinners Tales of Spider-Man # 3

As Dreams Are Made On - Part Three: Wake Up Call!
Writer: John Marc DeMatteis Illustrators: Michael Zulli and Vince Locke
Spider-Man faces the return of Mysterio, in his early days as the webhead (last part). WTSM#3


Every month we will be showing here the most astonishing, important and incredible scene taken from one of the monthly magazine issues of our beloved friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

This time is a panel of Peter Parker Spider-Man # 3.

scene of the month!

Override, who was transformed in Shadrac, the angel of death, after the ritual called the Gathering of Five, is being helped by Spider-Man and Iceman. They are trying to control the flames that make him suffer a lot of pain.

Spider-Man by Fabio Natal!


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Brasilia - DF - Brazil - 04/25/1999
(c) This page was developed by Fabio Natal Santana e Silva
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