
Spider-Man's Home Page!

Summary of May, 1999.

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Here you will find the latest happenings in the Spidey life.

Spider-Man Issues from May, 1999

The Amazing Spider-Man # 5

... And then there was one!
Story & Art: Howard Mackie, John Byrne, Scott Hanna
The debut of the all-new, all-different Spider-Woman - Mattie Franklin, the girl who had already worn the Spider-Man's costume when he was retired.

The stunning Spider-Woman is here battling the crime, and even fighting monsters from the Monster Island, helped by Spidey himself.

But the others former Spider-Woman - Jessica Drew and Julia Carpenter - are being assaulted by a new menace - another Spider-Woman.

Finnaly, that menacing arachnid lady attacks Mattie and Peter. This edition ends when the evil Spider-Woman says: "And then I will be the only Spider-Woman alive!" and prepares to end up with Spidey and Mattie Franklin, who are helpless laid in the ground.


Peter Parker Spider-Man # 5

The trouble with girls
Story & Art: Howard Mackie,Bart Sears, Scott Hanna
PPSM#5 Spotlighting the women in Peter Parker's life -- including the new Spider-Woman.

From Aunt May to the Black Cat, it will be explored how rich and strong the bonds are that bind them to Peter.

Besides, the entrance of Spider-Woman will really upset that balance.

Webspinners Tales of Spider-Man # 5

Writer: Eric Stephenson Penciler: Keith Giffen Inker: Andy Smith
Spider-Man meet a raged Silver Surfer, almost going on a rampage against the mankind, after the classic Silver Surfer # 18 (part two).

Spider-Man is forced to take on one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe - the Silver Surfer himself!

Lurking in the background, the menacing Psycho-Man stands ready to seize control of the victor for his sinister purposes!



Every month we will be showing here the most astonishing, important and incredible scene taken from one of the monthly magazine issues of our beloved friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

This time is a panel of Amazing Spider-Man # 5.

scene of the month!

Spider-Man holds the fainted body of the yound Mattie Franklin, who had already worn the Spidey uniform when he was retired, and now wants to be known as the new Spider-Woman. But another manace also called Spider-Woman does not agree with her, and wants to have this name only to herself.

Spider-Man by Fabio Natal!


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Brasilia - DF - Brazil - 06/06/1999
(c) This page was developed by Fabio Natal Santana e Silva
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