Name: Elizabeth Ann Cheeseman

A. K. A.: Ebeth

Description: It's been over two years since I last saw Ebeth :( but this is mainly because she's American and currently living back in Brighton, Massachusetts (I kid you not!) Fierce and independent, I met her back in 1996 when she came to study at Sussex University for a year and we've managed to keep in touch since she returned in 1997. She recently finished the data-entry job from hell (if her missives were anything to go by) and is currently trying to decide what to do with her life next, one of which plans involves vaguely thinking about moving to San Francisco since, despite (or maybe *because* of) being born and raised in Massachusetts she would much rather live in California, having been to university in that state. Possesor of an imagination almost as over-active as mine, she is as big a Sci-Fi geek as I am and is responsible for introducing me to Neal Stephenson and Lois McMaster Bujold (or rather their books - had she been able to introduce them to me *personally* I think our lives would be going down different paths now. Or maybe not). In return I introduced her to Cynthia Heimel (the *books* of, that is, although I wish I could introduce them in real life), which I think was a fair exchange. She's also pagan and a fan of Renaissance Fairs, which is fine, although I tend to agree with Hob Galding that they miss out too much of the really authentic stuff like smallpox and open sores and rivers of dung.

Most likely to say: "Sperm! Sperm is the enemy!"

Least likely to say: "I love inputting data"


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