Name: Howard Hardimann
A. K. A.: Howiebunbun
Description: Howard is a friend of Rob's who I met when he, me and Rob joined a Star Trek SIMM (which Rob later destroyed, sort of). A really sweet guy, we got to know each other better through email once I joined in the pbem he runs, Blood on the Stone (a Vampire:The Masquerade(tm) chronical). I've not seen him in almost a year, maybe even two...OK, about a year and a half, and although we don't talk as much on the phone as we did, we're still very much in touch. He works as a sign-language interpreter and currently resides in Leeds but is best known to me for causing a major ruck in his Pbem by forgetting to include a key player in the messages, thus letting the tension build until somebody mouthed off and one of the NPCs died as a result. Last time we spoke he was trying on pasta, so I got to talk to Dan McGrath instead, who makes a brief appearance elsewhere on this site as a link. I'm not sure what all this means, but hey, in an infinite universe...
Website: Howard's lovely website is his home website (unsurprisingly) but there is also a site for the Blood on the Stone game which, although managed by Lorna, I'm sticking here cos without him it'd never exist.
Most likely to say: "Aww, bless!"
Least likely to say: "I believe in labels and stereotyping"
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