Works by Nic.
Disclaimer: The characters and situations contained within
the following pieces are the property of the great George Lucas, who has
inspired my imagination beyond belief. No copyright infringement
is intended.
Note: I've begun to realise that my STAR WARS stories are scattered
across a timeline of 40 years, each focussing on different characters.
When I figure out how to do it, I will reorganise the stories more appropriately.
At the moment, most of my new SW fic is Obi-Wan focussed (hmmm, I wonder
why?) but there are Luke/Leia works appearing as well.
I've finally finished some lengthy Obi/Qui pieces, and others are in
Short story - August 1999. Rated R. TPM.
What would it take to break the bond between Master and Apprentice?
Vignette - July 1997. Original Trilogy.
A brief, wistful look at Coruscant on that fateful day...(8k)
Yes, this is a Mary-Sue story and No, I do not care. I wrote it for
me. :)
Drama - November 1999. TPM. NB: This story
has also been known as "The Passage of Time".
Five years after losing his apprentice, Qui-Gon is encouraged to take
on another. Can he truly put the past behind him?
(Note: this is not a Xanatos story!) (90k)
Prologue - August 1999. TPM.
The beginnings of a saga which explores Anakin's turn to darkness -
but with a new twist. Warning: This is very dark. (14 k)
Vignette - 14 October 1999. Original Trilogy.
Inspired by "Vector Prime", inspired by real pain. What happens
when the first of the heroes, those we have known and loved throughout
the original Trilogy, dies? (6k)
Vignette - 23 August 1999. TPM/Original Trilogy.
Force ghosts are rare and Obi-Wan is trapped in hell. (9k)
Vignette - 26 March 2000. TPM/Original Trilogy.
The Force calls Obi-Wan to let go and embrace forever. (7k)
Vignette - 28 October 1999. Original Trilogy.
Recollections of a Jedi Knight on a particularly sensitive topic, a
question that has been asked by many SW fans throughout the years.
(Taken from The Journal of the Whills.) (7k)
AU Vignette - 13 September 1999. TPM.
Five year old Luke Skywalker investigates secrets of Coruscant's past.
Humor - 30 October 1999. TPM.
Qui-Gon is conned into attending a meeting of Masters Anonymous.
'Nuff said. (15k)
Drama - 6 November 1999. TPM. NB: As of 23
November 1999, this story has been renamed "Dark
Time" and extended. (See above.) Five years after losing
his apprentice, Qui-Gon is encouraged to take on another. Can he truly
put the past behind him? (24k)
Angst - 6 June 2000. TPM.
What lies behind the door of Room 244?
(18k) NOTE: Based upon feedback, this story is quite popular.
For more STAR WARS fanfic, see G889 WARS
on the Earth 2 page.
Or you can go to the Other
Stories site. (Note - Dencity is closing down this
section of free sites, so if it's gone, I'll need to find a new place soon.)
Back to Nic's Fan Fiction
Notes: STAR WARS changed my life when I was 12 years old.
I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for this saga: it not only
inspired my hopes, but it gave me the courage to pursue my dreams and live
for the future.
And so I write, for myself, to explore the magic a little more.
Coming some day: Many more TPM-inspired stories and my view on Jedi
Comments? E-mail me!
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