Ultra Magnus
Autobot City Commander

Ultra Magnus is all soldier. Most comfortable when carrying out Rodimus Prime's orders. Possesses magnificent fighting skills, courage, and a gift for battlefield improvisation. Uncomfortable in the mantle of leadership, but presents strong profile as a commander. Carries missile launchers capable of hitting a target 30 miles away. Resolute, fair, and courageous beyond reproach. Ever ready to sacrifice himself for the good of men and mission.

Ultra Magnus in Robot Mode Ultra Magnus in Armored Car Carrier Mode

Roleplay Logs

  1. Ollin Meeting - Following an unfortunate attack by Snarl upon the Militants' Warlord Chikome-Ollin, Ultra Magnus agreed to meet with the Warlord and the EDC's Commander Marissa Fairbourne. Autobot diplomat Obsidian was also present for the discussion.
  2. Typhoon Launch - With construction finally completed, Ultra Magnus and several Autobot allies prepare to take the new submarine Typhoon on a maiden launch from its site in the San Francisco Bay.
  3. Happy Birthday, SecGen! - Ultra Magnus assembles a surprise birthday party for the depressed Secretary General Edward Bryant. Several Autobots and other friends attend.
  4. Glassplains Battle - Several Decepticons, led by Astrotrain, fight to push back the Autobot troops stationed at the Glass Plains on Cybertron. Great combat RP by those involved.
  5. Assault Planning - Ultra Magnus discusses plans for an upcoming assault against the Decepticons with several members of the Autobots.
  6. Seabase Assault! - In a massive operation aimed to destroy the Decepticon space bridge on Earth, Rodimus Prime and Ultra Magnus lead the Autobots in a massive battle! However, Scourge and his Sweeps have their claws set on Ultra Magnus's deactivation. Outstanding RP by everyone involved.
  7. UM Revival - Following the very severe injuries sustained at the hands of the Sweeps in the assault, the Autobot City medics work to save Ultra Magnus's life.
  8. Flashback - We wind back the clocks to RP back in 2005, several seconds after Rodimus Prime finishes his speech at the end of Transformers: The Movie. Ultra Magnus talks with Elita One about the loss of Optimus Prime. Meanwhile the others inquire about their new leader, Rodimus Prime.
  9. Magnus vs. Caern - Under the influence of a ray from the Junkion Longsight, Ultra Magnus's military consciousness has been brought forth in the extreme. When security director Caern notices the problem, he refuses to allow Magnus entrance into the city.
  10. Rodimus's Premonition - With the Decepticon treaty with the humans, the Autobots are forced to move Metroplex from San Francisco. In the new location, Rodimus Prime reveals to Ultra Magnus some uncomfortable forsight he has received from the Matrix.
  11. Forum Discussion - Rodimus Prime is dead, and Ultra Magnus explains why he will assume the role of Autobot Commander. Discussion is cut short when Sludge collapses due to injuries.
  12. Fake Rodimus? - Chief medical officer Whiz has been removed from duty due to her behavior following Rodimus Prime's death. Not unlike a course of events from the revival of Optimus Prime, she claims to have now brought back Rodimus Prime as well. Ultra Magnus and Arcee don't approve, and they want the matrix removed from the "zombie."
  13. No More Tiny - After an accident has shrunken many Transformers, Moonracer sits in a Decepticon jail cell while Rodimus has been captured. Ultra Magnus leads a team of Autobots to mount an assault on Typticon's location in northwestern Africa. Great log, but quite long.
  14. MedBay Conversation - Following the attack on Trypticon, Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Springer have some interesting conversation while passing the time. This log provides a brief display of my atypical portrayal of the city commander.

Orca - Perceptor