Do not adjust your television screen. This is not a test.

WARNING: There are included in here a lot of inside jokes which you may not get...don't worry, I don't get them either sometimes...=)

You have entered the land of the zany

the loony

the utterly absurd!!!

You have entered the land of



Here in that crazy world that we at George Fox University call CasCon, anything and everything can and will happen. People go crazy. The stars don't align just right. Dogs howl at the sun. Cats play the tuba -- out of key. Flying toasters whiz overhead and are caught and eaten by rabid sandwich cookies.

In other words, reality left some time ago and decided it liked it better outside anyway.

We tend to be a roudy bunch, with tons of inside jokes that never quite make sense. This page is dedicated to those weird and stupid folks who actually have joined us in that world of insanity and decided to stay there.

So, if you're a Foxy-George type person, look in on our may want to join us later on. And if your some lousy mortal coming in for the ride, my deepest apologies.

***Semi-Legal notice that serves no purpose other than to be silly***

The people of CasCon and Foxy-George University claim no responsibility as to the contents of this page or any other, nor do they claim responsibility for the effects it may have on the simpler mind. If you are prone to nausea, lightness of the head, dizzy spells, epilepsy, drooling, fatigue, insessant scratching of the eyebrow, or other such ailment, feel free to continue. If not, then proceed at your own discretion. It's your own fault if this messes you up in the head...

***End completely useless, non-legal note***

A note about us CasConites...we don't like using our real names...instead, we hide behind pseudo-creating masks that we call aliases...

I am Trisket, the mighty wonder-chicken, the Slayer of Toasters, Bounty Hunter for the true Empress of the Space Time Continuum, son of a hairy swamp monster, Spider-Slayer Supreme, and the Wanna-Be-Love-Yeti-Replacement-In-Training.

In our halls you may also find such wonderful people as:

Angela Bergerson


Current Queen/Controller of CasCon, successor to Lal. Recovering ex-spinner, self-proclaimed Cynic.

Geoff Haug


Enforcer of CasCon, and resident psychopath. The only person on Cas Con with more personalities than Trisket. Proposed to be merely a pigment of Trisket's imagination.

Allison Malakowski

Al, the Dutchess of TP

TP=Tisa/Pepper, not Toilet Paper. I made this mistake before. Known for having long conversations with her roommate, online, while sitting next to said roomie.

Pepper Bring

Encyclopedia Bring

Roomie to Al, known for searching the internet for useless facts. Claims to be the Internet master, although Trisket could run laps around her.

Ben Boyer


Former roommate to Trisket, current shnookums to Al, the Dutchess of TP. Resident Invading Alien and Time-traveller. Considered armed and footed.

Angela Ward


Despite appearances, she did not gain this name due to her current physical temperment. That was last year.

Tony Fidanzo

Itallion Pon...Stallion

Resident blow-hard. (*grin*) A strange freak who considers himself worthy of the term 'stallion.' His only accepted titles, approved by the Enforcer, are "Cretin" and "Pony-boy."

Joshua Smith


Current leader of the Followers of the Yeti. Weilder of the Mighty Love Club, and the Spider-slaying Henry's Bottle. Maintainer of the Casual Conversation homepage.

Loren Jones


Self-proclaimed Cynic. Known for saying "Doh-hohoho" at random points. Resident computer geek, and friend to Trisket and Hiccup*. The only non-freshmeat-style freshman on CasCon to date.

Nathan Dunkin


Not quite sure who this freak'd he get in here?!?! (Known for his expressions of brotherly love)

Brooke Wilson


First recognised convert to the Followers of the Yeti. Scientist-supreme of CasCon. Co-creator of the Class-One Love Valentine.

Sarah Miller


Married to the now graduated Nappy. Known for long periods of silence, followed by various Borgian statements in multiples of Andy.

Jenny Guy


The mistress of Music on Cas Con, alongside Hiccup*. Royal piano player, and voice of (*gas*) sanity in our twisted world.

Matt Ross


Man on the grassy knoll when Cupid was shot down. Famed Benedict to the dreaded Cynics, after falling for Repunzel.

Annette Nelson


Former Queen of Casual Conversation. Stepped down to avoid heart failure, as well as loss of insanity. Self-proclaimed 'temp-Cynic'.

Rebecca Bailey


Resident window-shatterer, and little sis to Trisket. Known for her shoe-shopping exploits.

Matthew Gustafson

Duckbrownoser / Nameless

The man who fell quickly to the ways of the Duck Side of the Farce. Poor fool.

Jason Martin

Emporer Razimoomoo

A recently fallen despot who tried to take over our fair realm.

Lindsay Stratton


Roomie to our current Queen. Known for her statement: "I will NOT get addicted to Cas Con!"

Julie Mennegea


A woman who by no means fits the description her name suggests. Current leader of the Cynical Movement.

Chuck Hackney

The Alaskan Love Yeti

The one who originally forged the Love Club, and the man who began the movement that would later morph into what is called the "Followers of the Yeti." A man who 'loved love.'

Nathan Miller


Also known as Unther the Navigator, and Napoleon. Married to Beatrice. General annoyance and self-proclaimed Emporer of the Space/Time Continuum.

Kristine Jackson


Former roommate of Lal, and general psychopath, known for shedding fur wherever she went, due to her *cough* adorable hairstyle. Known for being an awesome person and an even better CasConnite.

Andrew Miller

The Cynic

The bane of all those who consider Love to be a good, honest thing. Also a good source of coffee.

Matthew Budelman


Local kilt-wearer. Known for cross-dressing, wearing makeup OUTSIDE the theatre, and laughing out loud whenever possible.

Glenn Plant

Frankenstien / Svengali

Known for the inability to spell any sort of normal word over 6 letters, as well most under 6 letters. Former ruler of the legions of the dead.

James Winkleman


A one-year CasConnite who thought that going to another school would be cool...

Hildi Meier

Raven / Hil'dai

Oh where, oh where did the Hil'dai go? Why did she leave us? No one knows...

Kirsten Lindsay

Mennoly the Masterharper

Still goes here, but refuses to post. Probably got scared away by the Freshmeat. Known for her protection of the Endangered Flying Toaster.

Joseph Notter


the not-so-crazy guy who rarely if ever posts on CasCon

Shane Pilo


who couldn't think of a cool alias, and so used his name...geez...

Brian Herling


The Ogre of CasCon, who left to do the dreaded h-word (Homework).

Andrew Lindstrom

Auntie C. Nile

A strange little man who had problems figuring out his gender

Christina Reagan


Shnookums to Romeo (when last I checked), and resident long-hair.

And if you think that there is no meathod to our're pretty darn close...

--Our rules, terms, and other stupid stuff

--And here are some fine examples of our work:

Come back often, and if you have anything you think is worthy of CasConndomness...send it to me at Drop by anytime...


(c) Copyright 1997 Joshua Smith. All Rights Reserved.
The contents of this page are original works of
Joshua Smith, and cannot be reproduced without permission.

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