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Melissa's Myriad

Art Education

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art  lesson  plans  ball Look through samples of my art lesson plans, K-12
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Discipline Based Art Education

Discipline Based Art Education (commonly called DBAE) is an art education method that goes beyond painting a pretty picture. DBAE promotes higher level thinking skills, original problem solving skills, cultural and global awareness, verbal and non-verbal communication, and other skills that will help students throughout their lives. These goals are accomplished by teaching art history, criticism and aesthetics as well as production.

For an example we will use a lesson on making clay pots using the coil method. That lesson provides the teacher with the opportunity to help the students learn about proportion, technique, and how the shape of the pot causes different feelings in viewers (pots can be graceful, strong, awkward, etc.) While the students make the pots, they solve problems like, "Do I want my coils to make designs on the pot? Why or why not?", and, "How do I make my pot look delicate?" The students' pots can be can be related to pots made in other cultures, like the Greeks, the Aztecs, the Japanese, or others.

There are many opportunities to make connections, and broaden a child's thinking and learning, through an art lesson. Discipline Based Art Education utilizes those opportunities. (For a thorough look at DBAE, see ArtsEdNet.)

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Art Lesson Plans, K-12

Some of these lesson plans incorporate DBAE, the way it was taught to me at Chadron State College. (For a thorough look at DBAE, see ArtsEdNet.) Some of these plans do not incorporate DBAE. There are also a few multicultural lesson plans. Each plan provides a basic framework, while allowing room for teachers to adjust and modify according to their style and needs. Please note that this web page is my hobby. New lesson plans and unit plans are added when I have the time.

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My Art Education Hot Links

The Internet is a helpful tool to stay informed about art education. Here are useful art teacher resources I've found.

artsed  link ArtsEdNet
education  link National Art Education Association
standards  link National Standards for Arts Education
standerds  link National Standards for Arts Education (text from Gopher)

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