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Renaissance  artist  Michelangelo 
Buonarroti  line

Melissa's Myriad


picture  The  Crucifixion  of  St.  Peter,  by  Michelangelo  Buonarroti

Michelangelo Buonarroti was born on March 6, 1475, in Caprese, Italy. He came from a respectable Florence family, and his father was a government agent in Caprese. He is one of the most famous artists in history, and is best known for his treatment of the human body in his works. He died in 1564.

At age 12, Michelangelo was apprenticed to Domenico Ghirlandajo, the most popular painter in Florence. However, it was the sculptures of Donatello that had the strongest influence on him. Michelangelo stopped painting before his apprenticeship was finished, to work as a sculptor under one of Donatello's pupils. Young Michelangelo also gained the support of the ruler of Florence, Lorenzo de Medici, and lived at his home for a time. After the Medici family lost power in 1494, he traveled to Rome. There, at age 23, Michelangelo created his Pieta', which established him as a sculptor. In 1501 he moved to Florence, where he met Leonardo da Vinci. Florence's new government asked both of them to create large battle scenes for the walls of their city hall. Michelangelo's work on that project is now lost, and is known through his sketches and copies by other artists. After 1505 Michelangelo spent most of his time working on large projects, such as the Sistene Chapel ceiling(1508-1512), the Tomb of Julius II (1505-abt 1545), the Medici Chapel (1515-1534), and the Last Judgment (1534-1541). After 1546 Michelangelo spent most of his time as an architect, and writing poetry. Pope Paul III made him the supervising architect of St. Peter's Church. Pictured above is his "Crucifixion of Saint Peter", a fresco he finished when he was 75 years old. His other works include: "David" (marble, 1501-1504), "The Bound Slave" (marble, 1513-1516), and the "Florentine Pieta" (marble, abt 1543).


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