Cyber Reunion '98

How's Everyone? (Canada)



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Michael Cheung Tat Kuen
Toronto, Ontario
I left St. Paul's during F.3 in 1986 for Toronto, Canada. I finished high school in Toronto in 1989 and went to the University of Waterloo for the co-op Engineering program. I got my Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering in 1994. Then I got my Master degree in E.E. in 1996. I am now pursuing a PhD. My research area is in resource management of the interconnecting wireless and wireline communication networks. Hopefully I can get out of here by Year 2000. I've been at the University of Waterloo for 10 years now. I think I should get some sort of loyalty recognition =)

As you see, my last 10 years has been quite simple -- studying. Nothing really interesting/exciting. My long term goal is to get a decent job and live comfortably... hehe... I know it's too general.

     Graduate Student

Marital Status:
     Single (and
     available =)

Mail to Michael Cheung

Homepage of Michael Cheung


Kenneth Hui Cheuk Ying
Vancouver, British Columbia
After graduating from SPCC, I went to Cornell in NY to get my bachelor and master degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering. After college graduation, I started working in a up-start process manufacturer in North Carolina. I spend quite some time on the road in my first job. I have a chance to work in the field doing pilot study of new equipment for water treatment in DC, Virginia, Maryland, Colorado, and Quebec for some time.

Then I moved back to Vancouver, BC, Canada in 1997 and have been residing here since then. I am now working for a local civil engineering consulting firm.

     Civil Engineer

Marital Status:

Mail to Ken Hui


Simon Law Wai Lung
Vancouver, British Columbia
Upon high school graduation in 1990, I went to Medical School at HKU for a couple of years. But I have to admit that I was actually majoring in sports and social activities at St. John's College (a residential hall in HKU, which I had fond memories of!), rather than a medical student!

In 1992, I decided that I didn't want to be a medical doctor, emigrated to" Beautiful British Columbia " Canada. There I completed my bachelor degree in Chemistry (I bet it is a shocker to Mr. Lee Wai Kei!) at Simon Fraser University (SFU). Started my graduate studies in material chemistry at SFU in 1996 when I decided I was too lazy to look for a job! And am in Vancouver ever since.

     Graduate Student

Marital Status:

Mail to Simon Law


Weldon Liu
Toronto, Ontario
I immigrated to Canada in August'88. Having spent one year in Grade 13, two years in Pharmacy and four years in Medicine at the University of Toronto, I'm now in my second last year of the Radiology Residency Program at McMaster University. X-rays, CT, MRI, and ultrasound are my working tools, and I'm also trained in performing interventional procedures including angiograms.

Life has never been dull for me in the past 10 years. Basketball is still my favourite sports and I treasure the opportunities of playing with both local SPCC88 alumni (e.g. Dennis Lam) and those from out of town (e.g. King Leung, Etienne Fung, Alan Wong, Ken Ip) who usually come to visit on Easter, Labour Day or Thanksgiving weekends. In 1993, I picked up Chinese debating and somehow managed to lead the U of T Medical Team in capturing the championship in the Ontario Post-secondary Institutions Competition. Since early 1995, I've become quite involved with the SPCC Alumni Association (Ontario) and I've even taken up the role of the President beginning March'97. Although this job has consumed a fair amount of my personal time and that I've been presented with some obscene email comments (which my good friends have taught me to forbear), I have no regret and no hesitation in declaring my pride in being an SPCC alumnus!

Things turned even brighter two years ago when Theresa Tam decided to pursue an MBA degree in Canada. We no longer have to pay impressive long-D phone bills or fly 20 hours to see each other. And today, we're happy to announce that our wedding bells will be ringing on Saturday, June 19, 1999 in Toronto. Every SPCC88 alumnus who will be in town is invited to attend the ceremony at Lansing United Church commencing at 2 pm.

     Medical Resident
     in Radiology

Marital Status:
     Single until
     June 19, 1999

Mail to Weldon Liu

Homepage of Weldon Liu


Theresa Tam Ho Wan
Toronto, Ontario
Life has been very exciting for me since I left St. Paul's.

In 1993, I graduated from CUHK with a Bachelor degree in Business and I joined Arthur Andersen which used to be the prime of the "Big Six" accounting firms. Three years were spent in the Audit & Business Advisory Division in order to earn my accounting designations.

In 1996, I made a decision which I still believe is the biggest one in my life. I applied for independent immigration to Canada and thus unwillingly left my family behind. Even now, I'm not sure if I'd made the right choice (maybe there's just no right or wrong); certainly, such a move has exposed myself to a totally different environment which I think is challenging but not bad to experience.

Having seriously considered the advice from my family and friends (special thanks to David Maw & Fung Chek Wing), I decided to enrol in the MBA School at the University of Toronto in September 1996, instead of looking for jobs fresh off the boat.

Since my graduation in May 1998, I have been working for Manulife Financial, a Toronto-based insurance company, in the finance area. Of course, I'm also working on other stuff, such as trying to complete my driver test (yeah...shame on me!!).

By the way, whatever Weldon mentioned in his paragraphs, please don't believe him completely. I am EBA - Engaged But Available :-)

I really have no complaints throughout these years. If I did, please forgive me, my Lord! Quoted from a recent Italian movie, Bella Vita - life is beautiful!!

     Sr. Financial

Marital Status:

Mail to Theresa Tam


Dennis Wong Pak Shing
Toronto, Ontario
I moved to Edmonton, Canada in 1989. After 3 years of undergraduate study in Mathematics at the University of Alberta, I decided to proceed with my graduate study in Mathematical Finance and I was also turned into a Christian.

In 1995, I published my first book with Longman Ltd. titled Generalised Optimal Stopping Problem and Financial Markets. Then I moved to Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg and continued my further education.

In 1996, I was married to my wife, Helen, whom I knew for six years in Alberta. Although she does not know much Cantonese, she still can communicate with my parents (she taught ESL for a while before). In our wedding, Jimmy Ng Ngai Hung was my best man. Other SPCC alumni like Weldon Liu, Simon Law Wai Lung, and King Chung Yu also helped us a lot. Kitty Kwan Chi Har and Victor Fung Yue Wang also attended our party.

After obtaining my PhD degree in Mathematical Finance, I got a job at Scotia Capital Markets in Toronto. I really enjoy my work because it involves a lot of mathematics like probability, partial differential equation, stochastic optimal control, optimal stopping problems and statistics.

Helen and I are going to be parents in January 1999. We do not know his/her gender yet but we look forward to finding that out soon.

[Congratulations to Dennis & Helen who have their first-born son named Justin!]

     Research Associate
     (at Scotia Capital

Marital Status:

Mail to Dennis Wong


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