Stregheria - La Vecchia Religione

Stregheria, La Vecchia Religione, is a tradition which began in Italy. It was passed down over generations, from parent to child. It has survived over time dispite repeated attempts by the church and other organizations to supress it.

I first learned of the tradition by reading the brief blurb in Silver RavenWolf's To Ride a Silver Broomstick. I then set out to learn more, and discovered Ways of the Strega, by Raven Grimassi. As I read his book, I was reminded of stories I heard growing up, told by my grandmother. The more I read, the more things "clicked." Strega provided what the other traditions could not - solid footing. It is a wonderful feeling to have something so firm beneath you as you stretch upwards towards the God and Goddess. Deeper insight came in the form on an on-line study group first sponsored by Pandora, then taught by Amberlyn. I have gained much from this list, and am ever learning more.

What follows is a glimpse into La Vecchia Religione. I have included on each page my own thoughts on what is mentioned. Some of the pages have references from Raven's book, others include parts of discussion from the Strega-list. I have tried my best to include all the credits. Some of the references from the list, unfortunately, were only saved in bits and pieces as I salvaged from my old server. If there is something that is yours, please mail me and I will update the credits.

What is Stregheria?
The Triad Traditions
Tenants of Belief
The Charge of the Goddess
Tools of the Strega
The Gifts of Aradia
Moon Esbats
The Wheel of the Year
The Watchers
Gods and Goddesses of Stregheria
Covenant of Aradia
Spirits of the Strega

The gypsy graphics were made by me, with the gypsy herself taken from the ClipArt Archive at ClipArt Castle. If-ah ya steal her, I'll-ah kill ya!