SeaxWicca's Book of Shadows

Contained within the next few pages are excerpts from my Book of Shadows. There are no "spells", persay, for such workings are unique to the individual who performs the Shadows. If you are simply reciting verbatum what you read in a book, without giving a bit of yourself to the rite, then you are merely going through the motions. Shadows must reflect your needs.

What follows are more along the line of correspondances. Tools to aid you in your preperation of the Shadows, and to aid you in carrying them out. I have also included the Principles of Wiccan Belief, for I believe the guidelines put forth by these Witches in 1974 are still very true today, and should be part of everyone's records. There are also some more humorous sections, for who are we if we cannot laugh at ourselves. All work and no play makes for an interesting psycho-thriller...and I don't want to be chased through snowy hedges by a Witch on the Edge! *grin*

Principles of Wiccan Belief
The Wiccan Rede
Creating a Shadow
Moon Phases
Stones and their Properties
Candle Magick
Colour Correspondances
The Elements
A Questionaire
Poetry and Other Fiction
Silly Astrology
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This page and all herein are © 1998 Anastasia Psaros. All rights reserved, reprints not allowed without author's permission. And besides, it's really WAY bad karma to steal someone else's work, be it in print, Internet, or elsewhere!