Why I think the Rapture is before the Tribulation, 2-6-02
             FAQ: NO MAN KNOWS. See Pro and Con 301
             Pentecost Scriptures
             God's picture book, "THE WAY," written in the stars, part 1
             God's picture book, "THE WAY," written in the stars, part 2
             God's picture book, "THE WAY," written in the stars, part 3
             Projected Chronology of End-time Events
             Great Opportunity and Warning
             My Testimony and Picture
             Contents: Exit: 2007: The Secret of Secrets Revealed
             Contents: Heaven Found: A Butter and Honey Star
             Contents: Revelations 2000
             Revelations 2000, Chapter 1, Part 1
             Revelations 2000, Chapter 1, Part 2
             Revelations 2000, Chapter 1, Part 3
             My Books
             Olivet Discourse, Mt. 24 and 25, from P & C 268/9
             Expected Chronology of End-time Events
             The Rapture in the Song of Songs
             Two Raptures
             Christ's Return as the Latter Rain
             Old Testament Bible Chronology
             The Mind-boggling Catastrophe Before Adam's Creation
             The Cherubim and Flaming Sword Identified
             The Foolish Virgin and Laodicean Parallel
             God's Circle Clocks
             The Difference Between the Day of Christ and the Day of the Lord
             The Two Feet of the Body of Christ, by Bruce Baber
             Parallels in the 400's
             Body of Christ or Bride of Christ? by Joe Grant
             Excerpts from Book of Jasher

   FAQ: NO MAN KNOWS. See Pro and Con 301

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© 1996-2001, Marilyn J. Agee
Updated 2-9-02