Fantasy-Things We Want to Believe
Copyrighted 1997 by Leslie Samford

It's all a fantasy
It's all a lie
a world where everyone is beautiful
all the time
as long as you don't start believing
you'll be fine
it's all just a fantasy
all just a lie

A moment or two of make believe
never hurt anyone
But living your life in a dream
is just not living at all

A wall wrapped around you
where only the printed word can reach you
no flesh there to touch you
only the cold hard feel of this illusion is there

you think you are surrounded by friends
love and affection
but the sad truth is...there are only four walls
and they really could care less
about as much as these so called friends

but it gets you high
and lets you live a little
or so you try to make yourself believe
you're really just sitting there
in your own little coma
ignoring your life as it passes

the sound of my voice
you don't even hear anymore
like your caught in some wakeless sleep.
I slap you, hit you, and shake you around
but you don't even feel my touch

you might as well be shooting up
or drinking your problems away
but I guess this feeling lasts longer
then any kind of drugged state

it's a just a fantasy
I wish you could see
how real your life could be

| | His Fantasy | Dead Wilted Flowers | Fantasy | My Heart | Laughing | Masks |
| My Past Life | My Prayer | Stupid Girl | Fairy Tale | Without you | Gone | Secret Competition |