Sheherazahde's Library
Welcome to my book index page. All of my book reviews and recommendations are indexed to this page.
My entire catalog is avalible on Library Thing! Yay! I finished cataloging my books!
My Essays on a variety of subjects
- What is Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Science Fiction & Fantasy as Religious Literature
- What is Utopian Literature
- The form I use for writing Non-fiction Reviews
- The form I use for writing Fiction Reviews.
Non-Fiction Book Lists By Subject
- Witchcraft and Magick
- 1st Year Student Reading
- 2nd Year Student Reading
- 3rd Year Student Reading
- Non-fiction Magical books
- Non-fiction Theology books
- Sociology
Fiction Book lists by Subject
- Fictional Magic books
- Fictional Theology books
- Utopias - Fictional and Non-fictional
Author Lists in Alphabetical Order
Lady Sheherazahde's Book Store
Related links
I really like these things! Check them out. (They aren't even paying me for this.)
For my Brother-in-law David. We Aries need to stick together.
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This page created 11/13/98 last updated 03/28/09
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