The 1997-98
Yearbook of




Updated 30 July 1998


For Better Listening
For Better Thinking
For Better Speaking
Clubs in
Hong Kong


Lt Governor Education & Training
ATM Bobby Tan

Lt Governor Marketing
DTM Datuk Adeline Leong

District Public Relations Officer
DTM Christopher Teo

District Secretary
ATMS Margaret Chan

District Treasurer

Immediate Past District Governor
DTM Dunstan Chan

Division Governors

Division A
Johor, Melaka

Division B Singapore
DTM Aziz Mustajab

Division C
KL, Selangor,
N Sembilan
ATMB Mohamad Abdullah

Division D Singapore
DTM Lilian Lau

Division E Sarawak
ATMS John Sia

Division I Indonesia
DTM Maimunah Natasha

Division K
Sabah, Labuan
DTM Iskandar Ahmad

Division N Penang, Perak, Kedah
ATMS Jayie Tan

Division S Singapore
DTM Gea Ban Peng

Division T Thailand
CTM Pornthep Srinarula

Contact Your Area Governors
A-1 Melaka
Sheila Wong
A-2 JB PGudang
John Foo
A-3 Johor Mandarin
Chan Teck Yin
A-4 Muar BP Kluang
Anuar Yatim

B-1 Singapore
Hoo Siew Sai
B-2 Singapore
Irene Lim
B-3 Singapore
Patrick Oei

C-1 KL
Lucky Lackmichand
C-2 KL PJ Seremban
Robert Tan
C-3 PJ Shah Alam
Ramdas Nayar

D-1 Singapore
Andy Ng
D-2 Singapore
Anthony Leong
D-3 Singapore
Lynn Desker

E-1 Kuching Sibu
Bernard Chai
E-2 Miri Bintulu
Jenny Lau

I-1 Jakarta Medan
Rosita Verdooren
I-2 Jakarta BINA
Netty Djohan
I-3 Jakarta BorneoSita Djaka

K-1 KK Labuan
Ho Kin Wong
K-2 Sandakan Tawau

K-3 Sabah Mandarin
Paul Yang
K-4 KK Pidato
Prof Dr Kamaruzaman

N-1 Penang
Agnes Oon
N-2 Penang FIZ
Pauline Ang
N-3 Perak
Kerk Choon Keng
N-4 Kedah
Peter Balan
N-5 Penang
Ooi Choo Lye

S-1 Singapore
Zenobia Aspar
S-2 Spore Mandarin
Ace Goh
S-3 Singapore
Prasad Sovani

T-1 Bangkok
Vishwanath Bajaj

About District 51
A Brief History

Clubs in Malaysia

Clubs in Singapore

Clubs in Thailand

Clubs in Indonesia

education update
1 July 97 - 10 June 98 New CTM
report..two New ATM
report..three New CL/AL/DTM
report..four Speechcraft, SL, Youth Leadership
report..five Distinguished Club Rank
report..six Distinguished Division/Area World District Ranking
report..eight New Education Program July1
distinguished club 1997-98
Clubs in the Lead
Less than 20 NUS
IBBM Penang
- nil -
20-29 Butterworth
Toa Payoh S
Hornbill City
Bayan Baru
30-39 JB Mand
SIM Mand
Thomson Mand
40 and over Kota Kinabalu
Braddell Heights
photo album
November 97 KL Semi Annual Convention
August 97 New Orleans Convention
May 97 Johor Bahru Annual Convention
November 96 Melaka Semi-Annual Convention
going electronic!


Division A Johor & Melaka

Division B/D/S Singapore

Division N Penang, Perak, Kedah


Area N-1 Penang


Clubs from Penang, Malaysia
Bayan Baru TMC

Butterworth TMC

MIM Penang TMC

Penang MCA TMC

Tanjung Advanced TMC

Clubs from Klang Valley, Malaysia
D'Utama TMC

Clubs from Melaka, Malaysia
Natsemicon TMC

From Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Johor Bahru TMC

From Sarawak, Malaysia
Hornbill TMC, Kuching

United College Sarawak TMC, Sibu

From Sabah, Malaysia
Kota Kinabalu TMC

Sandakan TMC

From Singapore,
Braddell Heights TMC

Bukit Batok TMC

Cheng San TMC


Siglap TMC



SIM Mandarin TMC

Toa Payoh South CC TMC

The New Millennium TPS Advanced TMC

Thomson TMC




NUS Alumni TMC

Tampines RL TMC

From Jakarta, Indonesia
Jakarta TMC
about the author
Who is he?


...Immediate Past District Governor DTM SL Liew

" The final results are out!
Whatever the outcome, I wish to say that we had a fantastic year!
I will always cherish your support, your enthusiasm and your frienship.
It has been wonderful and unforgettable and my heart and our hearts will go on.

1) It is my pleasure to announce the following 1997-98 winners. Congratulations!

Toastmaster of the Year - Ahmed Bazari, ATM-G

Area Governor of the Year - Prasad Sovani, ATM-G

Division Governor of the Year - Gea Ban Peng, DTM

2) D51 has won the President's Distinguished District Award for the second time. This is the highest award for the top six districts (out of 72 Districts).

Alas, overall, we are ranked 2nd, just behind by a mere 6 points. We were leading.
If only we had 3 more new clubs... if only. But still this is a tremendous achievement to be proud of. Despite the adversities of the year, we have achieved much.

Dist Points Countries
75 175.96 Philippines
51 169.84 Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand
61 72.57 Canada
72 69.48 New Zealand
68 68.42 Lousiana, USA
58 66.67 South Carolina, USA

On a brighter note, we have exceeded all our goals to live up to our theme of "We can make it better".
New Club 52 (D51 goal=40) - a new world record
CTM 364 (D51 goal=350)
ATM 135 (D51 goal=100)

(1996-97, 17 new clubs, 270 CTM, 42 ATM, 84.92 points, 2nd behind 11.1 points)

I wish to congratulate all Toastmasters of District 51 for this outstanding effort for 1997-98.
What we have done and what we have achieved have helped and touched the lives of many people. Remember, "We can make it better".

3) Following 9 Divisions has achieved the highest division award, President's Distinguished Division
A - ET Lee, CTM
B - Aziz Mustajab, DTM
C - Mohamad Abdullah, CTM
D - Lilian Lau, DTM
E - John Sia, ATMS
K - Iskandar Ahmad, DTM
I - Maimunah Natasha, DTM
N - Jayie Tan, ATMS
S - Gea Ban Peng, DTM

4) Following 15 Areas has achieved the highest area award, President's Distinguished Area Award
B2 - Irene Lim, CTM
B3 - Patrick Oei, ATM
C1 - Lucky Lakhmichand, CTM
C3 - Ramdas Nayar, CTM
D2 - Anthony Leong, ATMB
D3 - Lynn Desker, ATMB
E1 - Bernard Chai, CTM
I1 - Rosita Verdooren, ATM
K1 - Ho Kin Wong, ATM
N1 - Agnes Oon, ATMB
N3 - Kerk Choon Keng, ATM
N5 - Ooi Choo Lye, ATMB
S1 - Zenobia Aspar, ATMB
S2 - Ace Goh, CTM
S3 - Prasad Sovani, ATMG

5) Our District Newsletter "Pansea 51" won the Top 10 District Newsletter Award". Congratulations to Editor Christopher Teo, DTM and his coeditor Lynn Desker, ATMB

We are in the running for the Top 3 District Club Extension Award and Top 3 District Above 20 Club Awards by WHQ. The results will be known soon.

6a) For highest club award for a club, President's Distinguished Club, the following club has achieved this highest award!

Kota Kinabalu Toastmasters Club (category of over 40 members)
Congratulations to President Francis Tham and club members!

(This is only the second club in D51 to do so. Last year, Braddell Heights achieved it in the category of 20-29 members, ranked 5).

6b) District Top 5 Select distinguished clubs, DCP points, world rank, Club President

Clubs with less than 20 members
1) 8833 18350 14 NUS, Edmund Chua, ATMB
2) 8495 16000 32 MII, Devan G, CTM
3) 1759 15400 40 Cairnhill, Hee Kee Meng, ATMG
4) 2881 11460 146 IBBM Penang, Shaik Dawood, CTM

Clubs with 20-29 members
1) 4388 30010 9 Butterworth, Ahmed Bazari, ATMG
2) 9092 16720 71 Toa Payoh South, Chan Meng Chung, CTM
3) 6231 16240 81 Hornbill City, Jennifer Chow, CTM
4) 7861 16220 82 Sibu, Chung I Ling, CTM
5) 7764 15880 94 Bayan Baru, Janet Lim, ATMB

Clubs with 30-39 members
1) 1538 31310 7 Johore Bahru Mandarin, Chan Teck Yin, CTM
2) 8975 25580 12 SIM Mandarin, Hoon Tien Hun, ATMS
3) 8455 24780 15 Thomson Mandarin, Hoong Wee Min, CTM
4) 5955 20460 24 YMCA Penang, Lim Lay Hoon, CTM
5) 4751 20200 26 Speecom, Loh Kwok Heng, ATMB

Clubs with 40 and over members
1) 2574 56410 2 Kota Kinabalu, Francis Tham, ATM
2) 7903 39690 6 Braddell Heights, Richard Bey, ATMB
3) 5912 32010 10 D'Utama, Wu Tze Sing, ATMB
4) 5679 23050 16 SIM I, Sylvia Oo, CTM
5) 2936 21990 18 Kuching, David Toh, CTM

There is a total of 44 Select Distinguished Clubs and 53 Distinguished Clubs.

Congratulations to all clubs! Top 5 Club Awards from District 51 and Select Distinguished/Distinguished Ribbons from WHQ will be given at the Nov 21 Semiannual Dinner.

See you all in Penang!"

The Official District 51 Webpage is now:

This new site is under construction - contact DPRO Aziz Mustajab, DTM

District 51 International Speech Contest, Kuching Convention 1998!
K Loghandran from IBBM KL emerged Champion!
2nd Susi Susantijo of Jakarta,
3rd Peter Ng of YMCA Ipoh

Other District Contest finalists were
Anthony Tan (Bukit Batok)
Cal Aylwin (Laemthong)
Chan See Chin (SIM II)
Jacqueline Doss (Malacca)
Louis Tham (Kota Kinabalu)
Ng Seng Chuan (Lion City)
Stephen Tai (Hornbill City)

District 51 Annual Convention
Holiday Inn Damai Lagoon
May 22-24, 1998 Kuching
(Photos & Comments)

1998-99 District 51 Officers

Check Out Your
1998-99 Club Area Alignment

1997-98 Club Newsletter Merit Recognition
SIM I - "Contact I" by Nelson Boon
KK Mand - "The Mandarin" by ATMS NN Yan
Cheng San - "The Spirit of Cheng San" by Albert Chan
Kuching - "Cat Talk" by CTM Stephen Tai
SIM II - "Voice Link" by Kwang Keng Lee
SIM Mand - "Communication" by ATMS Ian Chung
Sandakan - "ACE" by Dr Raghunandanan
PDC - "GEMS" by CTM Rizal Fauzi

Division Toastmaster of the Year
Division A - Audrey Lim
Division B - Sylvia Oo
Division C - Kim Chow
Division D - Hee Kee Meng
Division E - Loh Yunn Hua
Division I - Zacharias Adijuwono
Division K - Louis Tham
Division N - Ahmed Bazari
Division S - Ian Chung
Division T - Paisal Sae-Lor

STAR Series Awards
Star - Wu Tze Sing (D'Utama)
Star - Eleanor Wong(Sandakan)
Star - Ahmed Bazari (Butterworth)
Star - Jayie Tan (Butterworth)

Super Star - Zacharias Adijuwono (Jakarta)
Super Star - Hee Kee Meng (Cairnhill)
Super Star - Sylvia Oo (SIM I)

MEGA Super Star - Lilian Lau (The New Millennium Toa Payoh South Advanced)

Sylvia Oo won the lucky free ticket to Los Angeles (donated by DTM SL Liew)

Lilian Lau received a special recognition award for sponsoring 5 clubs.

Planetary Awards for Outstanding Clubs in the DCP
Butterworth - Venus Award
Kota Kinabalu - Jupiter Award
Braddell Heights - Jupiter Award

Photograph of 1997-98 Exco
Seated: LGET Bobby Tan (2nd from left), District Governor SL Liew (middle), LGM Datuk Adeline Leong (far right)
Standing from left: DPRO Christopher, Secretary Margaret, Treasurer SK Yao, IPDG Dunstan Chan (2nd from right)

© Dedicated to Dr Ralph C Smedley
"Learning in Moments of Enjoyment" Viewed best with Netscape 3.0

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