Pope Performs Exorcisms

The following article indicates that the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church
has performed at least 3 exorcisms in order to expel demons,
or release a person from possession by Satan.

Pope Performs Exorcisms
A Reuter's News Article ( 02/18/2002 ) about The Pope Performing Exorcisms
As Satan's domain is Hell, and he asked, and received, permission
to " tempt mankind for a time appointed "
And, as we witness numerous examples of obsessions, and posessions,
HERE on Earth on a daily basis,
I have to wonder WHY the concept, that Earth IS Hell, has not been embraced long ago.
I believe that our most important purpose in our physical existence
is to insure our Soul returns to God in the BEST condition we can achieve
by avoiding temptations and eshewing evil to the best of our abilities.
It is HERE that we are tempted, and, it is HERE that we have our chance
to use our God Given gift of Free Will to earn Forgiveness by out future actions.
Lot was challenged to find 10 ' good men ' in order to save a city ...
And he couldn't ...
I can cast no stones, but I strongly suspect that it would be a similar result today
if the search was to find 10 adults that had not committed sin.
My Prayer is that we might ALL see the errors of our ways, mend them,
and seek the Forgiveness of God.
All we have is now, for tomorrow is guaranteed to no one.
And no one will be allowed to stand in our stead, or take the blame for our sins
when we face our Final Judgement.
I wish you ALL The BEST in your attempts !!!
May God Bless us ALL !!!

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