Most Important Discovery of The Millennium

I think that 'The Most Important Discovery' of the past decade, century,
millennium or even eon, happened for me, several years ago ...
It was the discovery that THIS ... the world ... is in fact,
and I also predict, that, in the future, as more and more people
reflect on their Holy Scriptures, and 'Discover' it for themselves ...
will be the most important discovery until Time (as we know it) Ends.

In a way... I'm sorry that I discovered it, myself...
even (in retrospect) if only for the echoes of pain and sins in the past ...
But, then again... if you want to get to where you want to go ...
it helps, to first, know where you are ...
and then, once realized ... The Path begins anew.

'The Temple' referred to by The Prophets, IS WITHIN ourselves !!!
it is NOT physical and it is not OF the physical ...

Most Holy Scriptures allude to it, most Holy Prophets have announced it
in their own way, and Christ did both and then proved it !!!

But, 'WE', caught up in our physical 'needs' and 'wants', don't seem to be
able to take the Time to reflect upon Scripture long enough Individually
and realize it ... our wants and needs take precedence,
and turn into obsessions with possessions and then, often, to Sin (again)...

Consider 'Existence' as we know it ...
Aside from the sudden departure from the comfort, security and blissful
contentedness of the womb ...
Our first conscious external external events are the experience of cold,
separation and hunger.
The cold is usually mitigated first, and then the first hunger is satisfied ...
but the knowledge of separation remains ...
and then turns into dependence on others to satisfy the recurring hungers
and establish a semblance of 'security' through bonding.

It is then that self awareness and the concept of 'others' is born.
Realizations of hunger and discomfort are alternately felt,
satisfied and felt again...
Methods of communicating these internal conditions are gradually learned
and refined to insure their satisfaction and our continuation.
And then, new experiences brings new desires disguised as wants and needs ...
Dependent upon the nature of these new experiences and the new
wants and needs and the degrees of action we go to to satisfy them ...
we chose our Paths ... both physically and Spiritually

* go here to read about The MOMENT of Discovery

Re-read your Scripture ... there IS a road map OUT ...

Meditate and reflect ...
Realize that we are ALL on the same Spiritual journey and try to take that
into consideration as interactions with 'others' take place...
and bear in mind ... Hell is a place FULL of sinners and Jinn ...
so Beware, but Be Good to one and 'others'...

Fast !!!
Examine your never ending hungers and thirsts and what they really are.

Re-Baptize yourself each time you bathe,
and ask God to help your cleansing from the inside out.

And, remember as you consider your own past ... our God is ALL Merciful
and ALL Forgiving.
and ...
With EVERY Step ... The Path begins anew.
God Bless us ALL ...
we need The Help.

Use your Back Button to go back from whence you came,
or go below for some more of my hopefully Heplful(l) pages...

I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Florida.
Here's the The Massage Tips Page
Go here for The Spinal Column Page
Here for The Tennis Ball Technique Page (for mid & low back relief)
Here for The Reflexology Page
here for The Headache Page
Here's the Patient Breathing Technique Page
Here for The Sun Poisoning Relief Page
Here's an explanation of The 'Nick', The Star and 'The Gift'
here for The Chapel In (not OF) Hell
or go here for The Bumper-Snicker Page

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All material on this page is the sole property of Charles D. Tuppen III
aka StarTupNgo
(copyright 1999, 2000 C.D.Tuppen III ( StarTup Ngo)
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