New Additions to
The Witch's Workshop
Welcome. Here you'll find an easy guide to changes and additions to The Witches'
Workshop. For those who visit often, it will help you navigate the changes without going
through the whole site. If you want a regular notification of changes to the site by
e-mail, then go back to the Welcome Page and
sign up on the listbot form just above the site map.
The mailing will take place once a month. I will be deleting items from this page once
they have appeared in the mailing list, although a few will be kept for continuity. Sign My Guestbook please, please,
please, and let me know what you think of this site.
The Month of April
During April I will be updating the whole web site and moving it to s new
It's possible that towards the middle of April I will be making some new additions once
again. However, I'm just not sure how long uploading the new site will take and what
glitches I will have to iron out in the process. You can keep checking back or join the
mailing list for further information.
March 29, 1999
Additions have been made to Environment
Links at the environment and politics web site.
New herbs have been added to the Herbal Magick
page and to Herbal Lore. Additions made to the
Magickal & Ritual Incenses and Oils page.
March 28, 1999
Herbarum Aliorumque Magicorum has been added to
the main Herbal Magick page. This is really just
a curiosity as it gives the correspondences for the herbs used in ancient Greek magick.
The stone for April 1999 (Larimar) has been
added to the Crystals pages.
March 17, 1999
The Public & Performance Rituals page has
been added and has one ritual performed by the Witches' Workshop in 1998 - A ritual for
planetary healing. There are additions to the Wiccan &
Pagan Events page.
March 16, 1999
I have added two poems by Dante Gabriel
Rosetti to the Temple of Lilith pages.
March 15, 1999
Mainly updating links to the following pages:
* Wiccan and Pagan Links;
* Mythology;
* Folklore links - many new links have been
I have added a simple mythology search engine
to the Mythology page as well.
March 14, 1999
Invocation of Lilith: A Rite of Dark Sexuality has
been added to the Temple of Lilith page. I've tidied up the main Temple
page as well - by adding a new menu for the Temple so it's now easier to navigate. I've
checked all the links on the Lilith and Dark Goddess links
page and added several new Lilith links.
March 13, 1999
A new section added: Folklore,
with one folk tale to start: East of the Sun and West of the
Moon, a Norse story. I have also added a page of Folklore
I have revamped the Welcome page where the site
map is and added a couple of new links to the Mythology
page. Also I have put the Crystal Creations Webring back on the Crystals
page and added a couple of Folklore webrings to the folklore page mentioned above.
March 6, 1999
I have added two new stories to the Environment
News page at the Environment web site: Australia has a salinity problem and
CSIRO research into Ozone depletion. Old items have been deleted: Sunpower and Human
effect on Australian land.
March 4, 1999
The crystal for March has been added - Emerald.
Sorry, it's a bit late.
March 1, 1999
Another new award! Thank you to
Redriva! I've added a page where you can ask me a question
and I've linked it from several places.
Click here to go to my Environment webpage
or stay at the Witch's Workshop
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You can e-mail me, Lilitu at: