Candidate Slara

You wander the Candidate Barracks of Karath Weyr slowly. You didn't want to bet, but that S'lown just is completely unbearable sometimes. Besides, you were on a winning streak. You pass by one door that has the wher hide plate strung on a rope near the door, which is half open. You glance at the plate before you enter.

Candidate Slara

You look around, not at all surprised by the clutter and dust of this weyr, since most of them look like this. What is mostly seen in this weyr are the paintings and drawings and leather-bound sketchbooks with rather exceptional artwork. You call out to see if there is anyone about. Two firelizards come flying madly out of a room, chittering at you angrily.

Miric Eliz

"Just a minute!" someone calls. "Don't mind Miric and Eliz, they won't hurt you!" A young girl walks out of the sleeping quaters, pulling a red wool tunic over her pale dress. She wears work boots, making her outift an odd mix. Her fine blond hair is in tangles down her back. There seems to be twigs and clumps of wet sand decorating it as well. She smiles at you, her easy blue grey eyes staring at you with constant curiousity. She lacks weight and womanly curves, but her face is young enough to show she is female. "The flits," she starts. "Are always like that, always trying to protect me. The gold is Eliz and the blue is Miric. And I'm Slara, fresh out of Gathis Weyr, known for the sterile Queens." You can't help but comment on Gathis. You wonder if the Queens are really sterile, or if Slara is merely a joker. "Yes, sterile. Of course, they were not all sterile at one time. Let me tell you the story. Here, have a seat. Uh, let me just clear this off... there you go." Slara brushes clothes off the dragon couch, and dusts it off a little with her hand, which she thens wipes off on her dress. She takes the seat next to you.

"Well, there was this rather stupid girl, Lithora, who Impressed a Queen at Gathis. She become the first Junior Weyrwoman. When she became Weyrwoman, she was fairly good. There weren't any Threadfalls in her life, so she didn't really know what to do. Well, when there was one, she ordered all the dragons to eat firestone. All the dragons, including all the queens. Therefore, they queens became sterile and there was never another clutch. And that's the story. Of course, now Lithora is dead and gone for her stupidity. She had once ordered many dragons to fire a rather large clump of Thread. Everyone else tried to warn her that it couldn't be canceled for they were running low on firestone at the moment. And sadly, so was she. If you are imaginative, then you know what happened next." You cringe and nod. Slara smirks, her firelizards perched on her shoulders. You shake your head, ridding the image away from your mind, saying that now you'd rather hear about her.

"Very well. My parents were both Journeymen. I traveled with them wherever they went, because I was of course their daughter. We went many places, had fun, until we went to where my father had Impressed, Gathis. He Impressed at the last clutch, before that moron of a Weyrwoman wrecked everything. So, anyway, we decided to spend the rest of our days at Gathis. It was rather pleasent. My father had once went out on a joyride with his dragon, when poof! he disappeared, right in mid-air. I was right there when it happened, so nobody could hide me from the truth. Some said the dragon commited suicide right there. Others, the 'nicer ones', say he just went somewhere and was relaxing and that he was doing alright. Well, I say that three Turns is an awful long time to just relax!

"So, basically, I was later Searched, rather abrutly, if I do say so meself. And here I am, a Karath Weyr candidate! And that's it. That's my story. Simple. I know, I have had it easy, compared to most people. So, do you wish to do anything else?"

Ask more about Slara's history. Pick up the nearby leather bound book or ask how Slara was Searched. Bid her clear skies and walk out Karath Weyr or ask to explore her weyr.