Slara's Weyr
The main room of Slara's Weyr isn't very messy. The dragon couch is pushed diagonally against a corner. A shelf nearby holds several supplies. There is no meat for there is no dragon. A firelizards perch isn't far away and is near a low window. The circular table takes up most of the room. It has a few books on it, a bowl of fruit, a few mugs and a jug of klah. The desk is fairly cluttered. It has more books and some writing supplies. You enter the washroom. It looks like any other, only messier. There is water on the floor and the tub is half full. The shelves hold sweetsand and towels. On a hook is a robe, and next to it is a mirror. You into the living quaters. A window is above the bed, which is pushed nearly against the far wall. There is a bureru and another mirror against another wall. A bookshelf, and a window seat are against yet another wall. This leaves the room fairly empty, except for the large throw rug trying to take up as much space as possible. The look through the window and see an okay view. There is a forest and a path, where weyr inhabitants walk. Far off there is an ocean shore, but the wonderful view is blocked by tall trees. You leave the bedroom and walk back into the main room. Eliz and Miric came out and flutter annoyingly around your head. They obviously want you to leave. But being the stubborn traveler that you are, you stand you ground and ignore them. Now you've noticed something you haven't before. Near the dragon couch is a long curtain. Wind blows from beneth it, making you even more curious. You push the curtain aside and the wind hits your face. A window ledge, for a dragon to bathe in the sun. The ledge extents out far and wide. It is large enough for two small dragons, their rides, and a weyrling class. You feel that the powerful wind could blow you back but you walk out further to view the view. The ocean and shore is more visible than in the living quaters. The sun reflets of the surface and warms you face, despite the wind. You also have a better view of the rest of the weyr. The wind is getting far too powerful. You decide to leave the ledge.