Slara's Search
Slara's eyes stared at the hopeless, barren Hatching Sand one last time. She sighed. "Is this what Impression is all about?" she asked herself out aloud. Her voice echoed through the empty cavern. When her voice ceased calling back to her, she sighed and stood from the dragon ledge. With one last look, she walked away to the Weyr Bowl.
Slara sat in the Dining Hall with the rest of Gathis Weyr. She talked pleasently with the others, hiding her depression and boredom as well as she could. Most of everything the Weyrfolk spoke of was nonsense and gossip, nothing worth paying attention to. She glanced over at her mother, who was also chatting boredly with a group of other women. R'gel did not try to sheild his boredom; he sat snoring, his chin resting on his chest, dribble running down the side of his mouth. "Da," Slara whispered, nudging her father in the rubs. He woke with a snort, quickly running a hand across his chin to wipe the saliva that had escaped his mouth. The children who were watching giggled loudly. R'gel shot them a stern look. They hushed, but occasionally snickers still escaped them. Soon, the night bugle rang. Chairs scraped as folk staggered up to their rooms, full and tired. But before anyone could get up the steps, a dragon had landed outside the Weyr.
Several went out to investigate, others continued to climb the stairs sleepily. Slara was one of those who peeked out the window instead of walking all the way outside. Searchriders. A Head Searchrider, too. He shook hands with the Weyrwoman and Weyrleader. Slara couldn't hear what they were saying, but she was sure he was getting a room for the night. She sighed and did an odd shuffle to the stairs. Piassa jogged back inside to her daughter. "Don't you want to meet the Searchrider, love? He's from Karath. You might get Searched." Slara sighed. "I'd rather not, Ma. I don't like dragons that much, any way. Besides, I like it her. With this filthy sterile golds." She forced a smile. Piassa was not fooled. "You should give up lying, Slara, you're horrible at it. I know you hate Gathis. We all do. Just do me a favor, dear heart, and try." Slara began shuffling up the stairs again. "Slara," Piassa called firmly. She stopped and sighed. "All right, Ma. I'll try." When she had reached the top of the stairs, she called ,"But I didn't say I'd try very hard." She then made a dash for her Weyr door.
Slara woke slowly, not really wanting to get up. Besides, if she didn't, her mother would come in and wake her up herself. She lingered in bed for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth of her bed. Soon enough, Piassa walked in, carrying a pillow, as usually. "Slara," she whispered, raising the pillow. When there was no answer, she tried again. "Slara? Slara, love?" She waited a few moments and hit her daughter with it. There was movement beneath the blanket, but still no answer. She struck the lump a few more times, and when there was yet still now answer, Piassa fell on the bed near her daughter's lump. "Come on, love, you said you'd try." "I'll try later," came the reply. "Slara! Come on now, get up. It's a bright new day! You don't even have to see that Searchrider."
Slara ended up sitting next to him at breakfast. She ate slowly, her food being rather hot for it being so cold out lately. The dark haired man kept glancing at her, and Slara would glance back, her eyes piercing and fearless. Finally, when he put down his spoon, and just stared at her, just put hers down and stared back. Her eyes stared unblinking into his. He chuckled. "What's so funny, eh, rider?" she demanded. "I was just thinking," he began. ", that you'd make the perfect dragonrider." Slara snorted and turned away. "Oh well, then. I'm not interested." The Searchrider laughed. "Not interested? You must be kidding." "Why would I be kidding? I'm not interested, not in the least. How great can Impression be, anyway, if it's any better than this." "Impression is a permant bond between a loving mind. Someone that really and truly loves you, and will stay with you forever. It is great, and you should know that." Slara was skeptical, but hid it. Her father had never told her of his Impression. "I'll think about it," she said.
In the end, Slara had decided to accept the Searchrider's offer. She began to back, her mother helping her. "Love, I'm so glad you tried." "Ha! Tried! Ma, the man was staring at me. What else was I s'posed to do?" Piassa thought for a moment then laughed. She hugged her tightly. "Be brave, love. Don't get yourself killed on the Sands and don't be sad if you don't Impress a Queen." Slara laughed. "Not likely. I'd rather Impress a brown, or a blue. Power makes people stupid and reckless, not excluding Impressing a Queen. Of course, Lithora was already stupid." "Slara! Don't say that, no matter how true it may be." There was a moment of silence, and then the two fell into laughter.
R'gel had foolishly decided to take a joyride, showing off his riding skills to his daughter. They rode the air smoothly until Minth roared angrily and backwinged. Suddenly, R'gel was lunged forward with his dragon, and disappeared. A gasp rose through the crowd that was watching. "Reigel!" Piassa shouted, actually trying to jump off to her husband, who was no longer visable. Slara, however, just stood there. She stood there for a long time, until she began to cry. Piassa held her for a long time until it was dark and they could no longer search the skies. "If a dragon can do that, then I don't want to Impress," Slara whispered to her mother, who was still hugging her tightly. "Love, if you Impress, a dragon would love you so much it would never do that. Minth was just scared of something, maybe. It was all an accident, love. No worries. Remember be brave." Slara sniffed and continued to cry herself to sleep.
Slara slept most of the day. It took her a long time to decide to stay or go with the riders. She had decided to go. She'd rather die by dragon in the skies than die by age in filthy Gathis Weyr. She finished packing slowly, though all her muscles and limbs ached. When her mother woke, they whispered to each other for a long time. Then, Slara decended the steps. There was a lot of nodding and hugging and shaking hands among the other ones Searched and the Searchrider. Finally, they were all mounted and ready to go. The great bronze dragont they all sat upon began its take-off with a run. He leaped into the air, beating its powerful wings. Slara was suddenly very frightened, and she bunched up her limbs without falling off. She was scared, yes, but this is what she wanted and she was getting it. They were soon on their way to Karath Weyr.