Meanings of the Alphabet Soup after my name





symbol of Occupational Therapy


stands for

"Occupational Therapist, Registered" with a state license, also.

"OTR" is a national certification obtained by passing an exam administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). Most states in the U.S. also require local licensure or registration regardless of national registration. If an Occupational Therapist is represented by the initals "OT/L", that means s/he has chosen not to be registered with NBCOT, but is licensed to practice OT in at least one state.


stands for

"Certified Disablity Management Specialist"

"CDMS" is a national certification granted, through examination by a division of the Board for Rehabilitation Certification (BRC) , to rehabilitation practitioners who provide services within the mandates of insurance laws and statutes.

"CDMS" has recently been changed from "CIRS" (Certified Insurance Rehabilitation Specialist) to reflect more accurately the fact that professionals with this type of certification are skilled in doing the "most he or she can for an injured worker within the limits of either private sector insurance coverage or the regulations that apply to public sector disability compensation programs" and that "the well-being of the disabled invidual is always [the professionals'] primary consideration."


stands for

"Certified Case Manager"

"CCM" is also a national certification granted, by examination by the Commission for the Certification of Case Managers, which defines Case Management as:

I am also registered by Minnesota's Department of Labor and Industry to provide QRC services.


stands for

"Qualified Rehabilitation Consultant"

"QRC" is a role defined by Minnesota's Workers' Compensation statutes . Professionals performing this role are regulated by Minnesota's Department of Labor and Industry. All QRCs are responsible for providing vocational rehabilitation services to injured workers. All QRCs must have at least one of three national certifications, one of which is CDMS.

Return to definition of OTR/L

Return to definition of CDMS

Return to definition of CCM

Return to definition of QRC

Site Index:

Vital Link Consulting logoMy Company, Vital Link Consulting
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Meaning of the initials OTR/L, CDMS, CCM
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My Professional Profile (resume)
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Links to more info. about Occupational Therapy
List of articles about Case Management and OTs as Case Managers
Essay: "Distinguishing OT from other Disciplines"
Article: "A Case Study in [OT] Activism"
Article: "Occupational Therapists: Essential Team Members as Service Providers and Case Managers"
General Information about me
My Avocational / Leisure Occupations

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Allie Hafez.

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Alphabet Soup
Web Page by A. Hafez OTR/L, CDMS, CCM (
© Copyright 2000 A. Hafez/Vital Link Consulting
Page updated November, 2000


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