My Avocational/Leisure Occupations

Volunteer Occupations

I have served one-year terms as Secretary of the Boards for two non-profit organizations:

I teach English as a Second Language (ESL), as well as Introduction to the Internet to patrons of my local public library.

I maintain the webpages for two of my professional organizations:

Leisure Occupations

I design, make and sell wearable art . I almost always have a work-in-progress with me when attending meetings and/or continuing education, as keeping my hands occupied in between taking notes helps keep my mind focused on the speaker. An additional bonus is, if the meeting/seminar content yields very little new or useful information, I at least have the satisfaction of knowing I accomplished something while I sat there.

I participate in a reading club which is chaired by the local librarian (a great resource!). I have been exposed to authors and books I would never have picked up on my own unless I happened to come across them while browsing the shelves of the library.


Over the years, I have amassed a collection of humor and quotations. I'm always on the lookout for more; so please share your favorites with me.


In 1975, I spent 16 weeks overseas, beginning in Iran, where I lived and worked for 7 weeks (my parents were working there at the time); followed by a whirlwind tour of Europe and Asia Minor. Since becoming a taxpayer (i.e., tied to jobs), shortly after my return, I have been mostly an "armchair" traveler, not venturing out of North America.

Site Index:

Vital Link Consulting logoMy Company, Vital Link Consulting
Wearable Art cardMy Wearable Art Creations
Meaning of the initials OTR/L, CDMS, CCM
My Professional Interests and Activities
My Professional Profile (resume)
Receive OTCM Network membership questionnaire by automated email
Links to more info. about Occupational Therapy
List of articles about Case Management and OTs as Case Managers
Essay: "Distinguishing OT from other Disciplines"
Article: "A Case Study in [OT] Activism"
Article: "Occupational Therapists: Essential Team Members as Service Providers and Case Managers"
General Information about me
My Avocational / Leisure Occupations

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Allie Hafez.

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An OT's Leisure Occupations
Web Page by A. Hafez OTR/L, CDMS, CCM (
© Copyright 2000 A. Hafez/Vital Link Consulting
Page updated November, 2000


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