My Awards
These are my awards that were so graciously sent to me. I love getting them, but you know? I hate to ask for them. Seems having to ask for them, takes all the fun out of receiving them. I love finding one attached to an email from somebody that I've never heard of. When this happens I feel they felt that I deserved it and wanted me to have their own personal award. I probably won't get too many. :-)
Click on their awards to visit their pages, you will be glad you did! Thanks!
"My first award"
" Thanks, Jim"
"My second award"
Carries Humble Home
"Thanks, Susie"
"My third and big surprise award"
"Thanks, Lisa, you made my day!"
(Lisa page, "Just the Two of Us" is no longer
at this address. Sorry, I'm keeping her award
posted, as it means so much to me.)
"My fourth award"
"Thank you, Colleen"
"My fifth award"
This award means so much to me.
"Thank you, Shadow"
Shadow was one of my Heartland Critics.:-)
"My sixth award"
Lynette's Country Garden
"Thank you very much, Lynette"
"My seventh award"
Positive Steps
"Thank you, John"
No, John, I'm not very shy! :)
"My eighth award"
Barbaras Page
"Thanks, Barbara"
This was a nice surprise!
"My ninth award"
Inner Dreams
"Thank you, Louise"
"My tenth award"
Piano Lady Homepage
"Thank you, Piano Lady"
I love surprises, and this was a big one!
*Quick links to my other pages*
My Garden
Garden Ponds
Dorendas Garden
My Morning prayer
A Tribute
Life Over Forty
West Virginia Snow
West Virginia Fall
West Virginia
My Awards