
If you haven't seen my Family Page yet, I should tell you that Dorenda is my daughter.
Dorenda started her garden as a small section that she wanted to be like a cottage garden. She had Jim out there lifting sod and tilling up that section of their yard. He thought she was loosing her mind, but just kept on digging. She started out with a few perennial that she had scattered around her yard, in do particular order. I shared anything that I had, that she didn't have, which wasn't much because I had already given her starts off almost everything that I had in my yard. Her neighbor was just starting to redo her garden, so she shared with her.

I'm going to try to use her pictures to show you the construction of her garden from beginning to end. Now watch her garden grow!

First Garden

(1)This is the first plot that was prepared. The concrete walk goes from the end of her back porch to the small garage door and the one in the foreground goes from the front of her back porch to the front of the garage. Jim found some old bricks for her paths.

I'm so glad she took these photos of her garden in progress, because as we go along you can see just how much she has added each year.

Second Addition

(2)Here you can see another view of her new first plot. Notice she has already brought rocks in from the near by creek. She loves rocks, she says they give the garden a natural look. Notice the garage window, it gets a facelift later on.

Dorendas garden

(3)In this photo you can see the progress being made. She has dug up more sod, made more brick paths, put in a pond and started a picket fence for background and a walkthrough trellis. Her plans are to put garden on beyond the trellis. She already has a lot of perennials started.

Finished Trillis

(4)This is the finished trillis. Isn't it pretty?? Will you believe it when I tell you that she and I made this? We did! We found the pattern in a outdoor project book. We bought the material and just put our minds to work. We are a lot alike. When we set our minds to something, we do it. Sometimes it takes awhile, but we figure it out and get it done.

It looks a little bare here, but just wait---

Dorendas Pond

(5)This is a close up photo of the pond that was constructed in photo (3). She dug this hole and designed it. The rocks came from the creek that runs by her proberty. Just look how her flowers have grown.

Dorendas Garden

(6)This is the same view as photo (1). Want to scroll back up and look at the differene just a few weeks made? Also you can see the shutters that she added to the garage.

(7)Here you can see Jims work. He has finished the fence and made the gate. Don't it look nice? This background makes the garden look so much better. The flowers have a nice background instead of the open green field.

(8)Here you can see how she has extended her garden. As you can see she quickly ran out of room. Jim has the fence finished here except for the gate. He made a beautiful little gate that will show up in the next photo.

(9)This is her little fountian that she added in the center of this brick surrounded diamond. This photo was taken in the spring right after she put it in. I know you wondered, if you looked close enough, why she had a brick path going thur her rose trellis and then just stopped.(see photo #4) Well, this is the reason. She had this in mind all the time. Notice the pretty gate with the heart in the background.

(10)Just look how pretty her rose trellis is now. Her garden is contained along the fence, leaving the pretty grassy center. She has planted some trees and they are coming along nicely. This section of her garden turned out beautifully. Don't you think?

This is all of the construction photos. But just wait you haven't seen the pretty photos yet.

I'm going to show you mostly photos now. I think you can see where the flowers are located in Dorenda's garden.

Dorenda made this birdhouse. In fact she made 5 or 6 of them and gave them as Christmas gifts to some of her gardening friends and family. I got one!!

These daylilys are in the first plot of ground that Jim tilled. By the garage.

More Daylilys

Hollyhocks and mixed Iris along the fence.

Bright red Rose bush, isn't this beautiful?

This is Midnight on the left walking thru the garden and on the right is Foxglove against the white fence with white leafed Lambs Ear in the front. Looks like a red Rose might be mixed in too.

White climbing Rose

A pink Rhododendron-----------------------------------A beautiful pink Wegelia

Beautiful pink Clametis

Black-Eyed Susans-----------------Peach Daylily-----------------Mixed Lupine

This is not all of her photos, by far, but I have tried to use an assortment that I thought you would enjoy. Sure hope I'm right. She has worked hard in her garden as you can see. She's still young with a lot of energy. Oh! to be young and full of energy again. :o}

"Walking in a garden is like walking with God"

*Quick links to my other pages*
My Garden Garden Ponds Dorendas Garden
Poetry My Morning prayer A Tribute
Prayers/Inspirations Life Over Forty West Virginia Snow West Virginia Fall
Home West Virginia My Awards

Your visit today makes to tour Dorenda's garden,