
Many of the graphics on my pages are supplied by some incredibly gifted artists. The larger print defines the people whose graphics have been used on my pages

Allow me to encourage you to visit everyone of these talented people. These links guide you to each persons webpage that demonstrates their exceptional gifts!

It is my hope that I have given credit to all whose art I have used in making my pages. Most are recognized on the pages where the art is displayed. I have tried to include everyone, but if I have missed you please notify me ASAP and I will take care of it !!


Absolute Designz 

A title on the webpage is worth two in the brain

Ace of Space Graphics

Adler's Graphics

Adrith's Home Page

AKC Gif Animation Gallery

Aligning Images

Animated Gif Archive


Anonymomma's World
Artistic Designers Web Page Design

A+ Art Graphics

Assorited Backgrounds

A Touch of Country

A Woman of Words

Background Sets By Jaycards

Background Thoughts

Backgrounds by MARIE

Backgrounds, Textures, Buttons, Bars, 

Bandit Designs 

Becki's Garden of Graphics

Billy Bears Clipart
Bluize Graphics Grabbag

Boogie Jack's Free Backgrounds

Cathy's Home Page

CJ's Web World

Cool Graphics Clip Art, Backgrounds, Animations, Icons

CS Designs Homepage

Dana's Designs 

Dani's Designs

Designs by Rick

Digital Diva Showcase

Essence of Victorian


Free Buttons 

FrogWeb Design

Full Moon Graphics

Geocities Icons

Gobs 'o Graphics

Graphics & Such

Graphics Station

Hee Yun's Graphic Collection 

Icon Bazaar

Jaguar Frame


Judi's Doodlings

Kathie's Web Design

Little Wings Gallery

Marvelicious Backgrounds 


Media Link's Free Graphics!

Misty's Magical Designs

Moyra's Web Jewels

Nessa's Heavenly Creations 

Neysa's Unicorn Picture Page

Over the Rainbow Tons of Free Clipart

Quietsiren's Lair 

Rattlesnake Graffiti 

RCS Web Design

Rose's Everything Links

Sarah's Banners and Graphics

Savvy not Sucky Webpages

SilverStar's Ranch

Skyylight Productions 

Studio 7000 Backgrounds

Syzone Graphics

Techoic Jade Web Graphics and Sounds

The Button Bin

The Elated Web Toolbox

The Enchanted Castle

The Faery Woods

The Graphics Barn

The Mountain Tea Inn 

The Widow's Web
To My Love 

Tropical Nights Graphics

Turbo Net

Twilight Design

Under Earth Graphics
Victorian Elegance 

Victorian Essence 

Victorian and Romantic Images

Victoriana's Victorian Graphics Gallery 


 Vintage Victorian

Wallpapers - Desktop Themes

Wallpaper Heaven

Web Design

Web and Graphics Designs

Web Graphics to Go

WebGoddess Graphic Design

Welcome to 7Rings 

Wellesley Community Site

Wendy's Victoria Graphics








Ahnentafel Chart, Camber Chart, Camber-H. S., Camber-J. H., Camber-Kemp T., Camber-R. A, Canadian Links, Census Links, Church Chart, Cross Chart, Cross Chart Page Two, Drummond-M., Eastern Township Links, Egan Chart, Egan, H., Email Me England Links, Family Links, Fergus, A., Fergus Girls, Fergus-I.S. General Genealogy Links, Graphics links, Hall Chart, Hall, E.(3), Hall, E.(4), Hall, J. C. *photo*, Heisler Chart, Higgins Chart, Higgins-A., Higgins-H. W. *photo*, Higgins-L. M. *photo*, Higgins-T. W., Higgins-W. F. *photo*, Index-Front Page, Ireland Links, Links Tree, Martin Chart, Martin-G. H., Martin-J. G., Martin-Jos., Martin-J. R. *photo*, Martin-R. C., Martin-W. D. *photo*, McArthur Chart, McArthur-G *photo*, McArthur-Jas, McArter-Jas Sr.,  McArthur-Jas D. *photo*, McArthur-T. R., McClintock-H. E. *photo*, McClintock Chart, McClintock Genealogy Page, McClintock-H, McLaughlin-C. E. *photo*, McLaughlin-C. W. *photo*, McLaughlin-Wm. *photo*, Nova Scotia Links, Pearl Chart, Pearl-B. L., Pearl-F. C., Pearl-Ira B., Pearl-W., Pearl, W. S., Photo of the McArthur Brothers James and Thomas, Quebec Links, Ransom-J., Robicheau, Wm  *photo*, Scotland Links Stevens Chart, Surnames List, Vermont Links, Wyatt-Jones-P, Wyatt-Jones-R. A.*photo*, Young Chart